3 Year Accessibility Plan
This plan was drawn up in accordance with the planning duty in the disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended by the SEN and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA).
Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA)
"A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities".
Since September 2002, there are three key duties towards disabled students under part 4 of the DDA:
The plan sets out the proposals of Roselyn House School to increase access to education for disabled students in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA:
It is a requirement that Roselyn House School accessibility plan is resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as necessary. Attached are a set of action plans showing how the school has and will address the priorities identified in this plan.
The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice sets out guidance on policies and procedures aimed at ‘enabling students with special educational needs to reach their full potential. To be included fully in their school communities and make a successful transition into adulthood.’
All students at Roselyn House School have an EHCP for Social, Emotional and Mental Health. It is the aim of the school:
By meeting these aims, Roselyn House School and everyone in it may fulfil our mission statement:
Roselyn House School recognises and values parent’s carer’s knowledge of their child’s disability and its effect on their ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parent carer’s and child’s right to confidentiality. Through a child’s EHCP review and during the initial non prejudice visit to the school, information is identified regarding any possible disabilities a child parent carer may have.
It is intended that this accessibility plan be a whole school working document and to be an aid to remind staff to remove barriers to learning for disabled students. It should help to create a sense of ownership towards the plan and prove Roselyn House School wider commitment to equal opportunities. (See Single Equality Policy)
The ‘index for inclusion’ states:
‘Inclusion is seen to involve the identification and minimising of barriers to learning and participation and the maximising of resources to support learning participation.’
(Booth and Ainscow 2000).
In Lancashire County Council’s ‘The Inclusion Continuum- A Policy for Special Educational Needs,’ it suggests that:
‘...inclusion involves changing cultures, policies and practices so that they can respond readily to diversity among students.’
Inclusion works alongside equal opportunities and therefore should involve all students whatever their ability, age, gender, ethnicity and background. Inclusion and participation are essential to human dignity. At Roselyn House School , we believe in the school fitting around the needs of the child; adapting systems and structures in order to meet individual needs and fully involving the disabled or disaffected young person. We aim to achieve this by looking at:
This will be included in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA as previously described in the introduction.
The stages in producing an Accessibility Plan
In producing Roselyn House School three-year Accessibility Plan, there was an initial audit and review of the three areas of the requirements of the DDA. Future, ongoing development of the plan will continue to refer to data on students’ individual needs and consultation with students, parents carers, staff, placing authorities and outside agencies, including disabled people organisations.
Following the access audit, a list of actions has developed and goals and targets set with time scales. These are reflected in action plans covering the three areas of this plan.
Once staff are employed at Roselyn House School , the management will consult with all staff (teaching and non-teaching staff) so that they are involved and committed to the plan.
Roselyn House School has a statutory duty to implement the plan and allocate adequate resources to it.
The plan will be kept under review and revised as necessary. Evaluation needs to show if the goals are being achieved with the allocated time scales.
This Accessibility Plan forms part of the School’s Improvement Plan and is part of a wider policy framework.
The plan is readily available and monitored as part of Ofsted’s inspection process.
This is to ensure disabled students have access to a full, broad and balanced curriculum. Curriculum areas should be considered at a whole school level, as many barriers to accessing the curriculum will be similar for several groups of young people and it is helpful to take a strategic approach to removing these barriers.
Audit review reference |
Area to develop |
How to achieve |
Time scale |
Review |
Completed |
1:1 (B) 1:1 (M) |
To further improve access to the curriculum.
Staff to be provided with development activities such as linking with other schools in order to share good practice. |
Ongoing links |
Improved communications and visits to other schools. Shared Practice and linked activities with Hope Flowers School, Bethlehem. Joined The Big Classroom. Visits and talks taken place at other schools.
Forest school’s discussion with other schools to provide outsourcing. Interest was there but difficulty due to the pandemic.
Look at further developing onsite Forest Schools areas along with outside classroom areas including sensory garden.
Outdoor reading, music, seating, buddy benches, quiet areas installed.
Garden projects for D of E and RHS |
Staff to attend standardising subject, specific and other courses. |
Eserre Autumn 2021 |
Staff have attended up to date standardising and subject specific accreditation courses. Staff to look at their own CPD. Twilight trainings in specific areas. Autism and ADHD Specific training covered.
Use of Therapists |
Whole school curriculum is available which is differentiated for individual needs and abilities. |
Summer Term 2021 To be implemented Autumn Term 2021 |
Whole school curriculum to assist development of Policy and Practice. New Collins schemes of work bought in to implement in September.
New Tracking system to be introduced to staff and students for implementation in September 2022. Looking at progress, attitude to learning, homework and reading. |
Whole school testing to understand students’ needs in all aspects of the curriculum including Literacy, Numeracy, Behaviour, Learning Styles and Mental Health. |
Revised Policy June 2021 Ongoing |
Testing brought in line for whole school. RHS to include the same testing for Literacy, Numeracy, Cat 4, Boxall, VARK, SEMH. New LSP formats to be completed. Revised policy to include across school procedures. Staff to be assigned roles across RHS.
Timetable for assessment produced and information passed to students, staff, Parents Carers. |
1:1 (B) |
Implement a system of peer observations |
To observe each other informally across the school as part of professional development and sharing good practice |
March 2020 |
Shared practice policy implemented and revised.
All staff have observed at least one other staff member through support in lessons (including NQT’s)
Twilight INSET training to discuss shared practice
Teachers’ meetings, LSA Meetings and whole school meetings
Job Shadowing to be introduced from RHS |
June 2021
1:1 (B) |
To provide opportunities for continuing professional development |
Provide INSET training on differentiation, inclusion and curriculum access.
Provide additional training from external sources including TEFL, SEND L3, BwD training materials on inclusion and SEND practice. |
Ongoing |
During the pandemic and staff working from home gave opportunities for further CPD where staff completed specific SEND training for both Teaching and Learning Support staff. One member of staff qualified as a TEFL Teacher.
INSET twilights looked at specific curriculum access including exam access arrangements.
Specific ADHD and Autism Training.
More staff included on SEND TA Trainings. |
1:1 (B) |
To develop access to communication and employ different teaching methods |
Improve ICT facilities across RHS. Including laptops for Nurture and for those students who may find access to remote learning difficult.
Increase number of laptops available within Groups
New projectors and screens installed Improve communications for parents carers and students via social media and email.
Continue to be mindful of a changing world which is more reliant on technology but also brings more dangers of exposure online. To inform students and staff.
Improvement of remote learning offer and the way that ICT is used in lessons so that smooth transition is apparent. To continue an element of remote learning for all students so they continue to build confidence. |
September 2021
April 2022
September 2022
March 2023
Ongoing and monitoring |
School has more PC’s with greater access software. The network is available in school along with Office 365. The hope is for everything to move onto Office 365. Some government laptops provided others provided by school.
Set of six Laptops made available to sign in and out.
Set of 16 laptops and charging stations to be made available in 2 Groups.
Further laptops purchased for staff access and new PCs
Fixed and portable projectors installed across RHS
RHS improved communications with community social media sites- Facebook and Twitter.
Specific contact emails for students and Parents Carers.
Revised Online Safety, Social Media Policy in line with new guidance.
Provided training to staff through INSET.
Improve PSHE PoS to include more lessons around Online safety for all students.
A Policy created and published around remote learning. Guidance to students and Parents Carers of expectations. Staff training and discussion around how the curriculum can be taught through remote learning keeping up the momentum of the classroom. Continue the practice going so that students don’t forget and see the value of remote study moving forwards from recovery of the pandemic. |
1:1 (D)
1:1 (I)
1:1(J) |
To develop access to literacy and numeracy |
Provide staff training and access materials.
Investigate and implement schemes for individual intervention.
Promote reading and writing across the curriculum.
To use literacy and numeracy in the community in real life situations.
Improve baseline assessment and central recording through Learning Support Plan.
Improve tracking, recording and reporting in a streamlined way which works better with the Schemes of Work, LSP, PLP and Assessment and Marking Policy. |
LSP for all students to be implemented by end July 2021
Subject development May 2020
September 2022
Summer Term 2021
September 2022
September 2022 |
Staff have attended training from outside agencies and there are additional resources available in the classroom, e.g. overlays, coloured paper, specific pens, hand rests, standing desks.
Following testing and information gathering specific programmes within the formal or informal pathway to be written up to allow for each staff member to be involved with a student to know their needs and specific interventions required.
Training for staff to explain that Literacy is not an exclusive subject and should be addressed across the curriculum. Staff to assist in individual students’ development by having the correct resources and knowledge of student needs to help them to progress. Students have been encouraged to read out loud and to follow phonics development. Their work is corrected in terms of spelling and hand writing development is supported in all subjects following the revised Assessment and Marking Policy.
Whole School Literacy Policy implemented
Word of the Week introduced and Music of the week.
Accelerated reading scheme introduced along with online PDF versions. Reading promoted across the curriculum. Pop up libraries available around whole school.
Outdoor lessons incorporated on all TT’s to look at ways of using literacy and numeracy by visiting shops, community activities and generally outside of the school environment. This has been done in class groups, small groups and 1:1 with emphasis on Post 16 for development of the adulthood pathway.
Development of an outdoor reading area at main school site.
All LSP’s for students are being revised so that before September staff will have a true picture of where a student is up to and the progress they have made. They will be able to identify gaps in learning and follow catch up plans which have already been completed. This is then fed into the AR and Catch up plan process.
New EoT system and AR system to be introduced including Parents Carers evenings which will highlight progress and attitude to learning.
Full Year of recording progress in LSP and Pathway to be implemented for next Year in PLP |
June 2021
1:1 ( L) |
To discuss additional support with placing authorities and SENDO’s |
Through the annual review process and assessment. Included within this the PEP reviews and interim needs assessment. Development of needs understood as students begin on their Pathway to Adulthood. |
September 2022
June 2022 |
Discussions held regularly with the SENDO’s from placing LEAs.
Group Leads and Vocational Co-ordinator to be involved in AR process along with Headteacher and Business Manger to have a more fluid understanding of the individual needs of the child due to Bubble situation. There is no point in staff who do not know students holding their reviews.
Use of SHINE Therapy for OT, SALT and ASD Assessment needs. Employ a regular onsite SALT Therapist.
Use of Essere Therapy and Counselling. Staff training in play therapy. Designated areas for individual needs therapy created within Groups.
Increased frequency of therapy.
Pathway to Adulthood Policy and Procedures implemented and published. Training provided for staff. Specific areas roles outlined to staff at different stages of intervention and need.
Monitor progress of Adulthood Pathway. |
Disabled students will have access to activities in the interstices of the school day.
A) Recreational periods are not indicated by a school bell but by staff referring to the start and end of supervised break times and school day. There are planned activities for break times, the use of ICT and therapeutic rooms. At the KS3 site, there is an outside recreation area. At the KS4/5 site there is no outdoor recreational space but students are encouraged to go outside for supervised walks or activities in the community. This is built into individual programmes.
B) All subject specific classrooms and general classrooms are located on the ground floor at the KS3 site.
There are three additional rooms on site outside of the KS3 building. One large cabin, one smaller cabin and the music annexe. All three spaces can be accessed via steps and the music annexe has large sliding doors.
The KS4/5 Centre is on the first floor of 26 Hastings Road which has a wide staircase for the entrance and a separate for the exit. All rooms in the back of the building run off one corridor.
C) Refreshments are served during the morning break period, which takes place in classrooms and outside. Any visiting performances take place in the recreation room to the rear of the school or the reception area at the front of school, which are accessible by all.
1:2 (A) |
To continue to improve activities dependent on needs of students |
Purchase relevant resources suitable for cohort of students taking into consideration activities which can be accessed by all. These can include activities for both inside and out.
Liaise with play therapist for relevant activities.
Improve music room facilities.
Liaise with ICT technician for appropriate activities which can be used on computers phones. |
Ongoing usually purchased in Summer Term ready for Autumn cohort.
September 2022
June 2022
September 2022
Ongoing |
Use of various sports equipment for outdoors and therapeutic art equipment for indoors, which is inclusive for a wide range of needs. To continue to build on our student-centred approach regarding recreation time and activities. Within the building there is a library, a therapy room and a multi-use space in both groups situated in Group 1 by the main entrance and by the exit in Group 2. These spaces double up as recreation areas depending on student needs. To continue to use the space within the school to cater to all needs.
Provide Chill Out Zones at KS4/5 centre with bean bags, Consoles, Sensory equipment.
Provide outdoor seating and buddy benches at main school site.
Enhance on site PE equipment at main school site with an Outdoor Table Tennis Table and Basketball Net.
Maintain outdoor Therapy area
Multiple work areas for students to access to study in when it’s not being used as a music room. We currently have all the equipment to play and record music within the space. Student input is continuing, and the space has evolved into an outside classroom and media space also, with easy accessibility for all.
We have DJ equipment, guitars, drums, amps other equipment for media including games consoles, P. Cs and cameras in the space too.
Use of duolingo |
1:2 (A) |
To develop additional play relaxation area. |
It was investigated whether it would be beneficial to have an additional hard core play area but due to the nature of the current TT, the turning circle area at the front of school is able to be used as cars can just be on the car park. |
September 2022 |
The TT at RHS has been divided into am and pm sessions where for each part of the day, one half of the Bubble spends their time in the outdoors. This is a protective measure in order to keep staff and students safer in the current pandemic. This has meant we now hire out outdoor facilities and complete lessons in the community. This applies to KS4/5 students where they are TT to take walks with staff and have relaxation zones. A get up and move system has been adopted across both sites to help motivate students and give them time away from their desks.
A new music room has been purpose built in the school grounds.
The grassed area to the side of the nurture classroom has also been opened up for play.
Further development of outside area as described in detailed plan.
Obtain quotes for a Mugga style area in the far corner. |
1:2 (B) |
To provide access for all. |
A portable ramp is used for access to Group 1 in the main school building since 2011. This is available when required to allow for access up one step.
The same ramp is available for access into the music room. An additional ramp could be purchased.
The stairways are wide enough in The KS4/5 Centre to facilitate disabled access, this is being investigated as to how this could be improved as the centre is then all on the first floor. |
June 2011
September 2021
December 2021 |
This was purchased in 2011 and has continued to be used.
Purchase second ramp.
Research access availability and if it is feasible. The music room could be utilised for KS4/5 students who may not be able to currently access The KS4/5 Centre and this built into their programme; along with access for meetings for Parents Carers. |
The aim of this section of the plan is to improve the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled students can take advantage of education. This covers all areas of the physical environment. It also covers physical aid to access equipment.
2 (A) |
Monitor lighting needs for ASD students |
Establish needs of students who prefer low lighting and assess classrooms areas that could facilitate this. |
December 2021 |
Low level lighting available in some of the rooms at the KS4/5 centre. Lighting can be switched off where appropriate and consensual if other students present. |
2: (D) |
Monitor acoustics and room organisation. |
Once students are admitted, carry out a review of acoustics and individual need will determine further furniture. Room organisation. |
September 2022
September 2022 |
This will be led by needs of the students but currently soft furnishings are not allowed due to covid risk assessment and also doors need to remain open.
The music room has specifically designed acoustics with noise cancelling for the outside.
Ear defenders are available for students but these should be purchased for individual students rather than leant out. A needs assessment will need to be reviewed for September.
Newly refurbished rooms at the front of school- Previous Art and English.
Newly refurbished rooms at the back of the school. Quiet room, IT hub, Correll room and Science room. |
2 (F) |
Review of flooring |
Once students are admitted, determine effectiveness and individual need. Maintain upkeep. |
Ongoing |
New carpets have been fitted in most rooms and corridors at KS4/5 centre and KS3 site 2019. |
2 (G) |
Review signage |
Identify specific needs of students and use pictorial communication for those students who are non verbal |
December 2021 |
Identify needs of students for non verbal communication and introduce pictorial signs |
2 (O) |
Review of disabled parking facilities |
Ensure that disabled parking bays are identifiable to others and left clear where appropriate at RHS |
July 2022 |
Disabled parking available at the front of school and outside The KS4/5 Centre. This is currently not marked. |
3 (A) |
To audit information which is produced |
Check in relation to reading age and use of jargon |
Ongoing |
All information is checked over and proofed taking into account accessibility. |
3 (B) |
To make available relevant courses for staff |
Find out about courses in varying forms of communication. Set up links with the RNIB and RNID. |
Ongoing |
There is currently a member of staff going through a SENCO qualification. We have qualified staff in Hearing Impairment, Autism, SEND etc. Staff INSET has looked at disability and SEND. Specific training is undertaken for specific disability needs when they occur. |
3 (C) |
To offer different formats of information |
Add to school prospectus stating additional format are available on request.
Home visits available to explain paperwork to Parents |
School opening
Ongoing |
Prospectus has stated that information is available upon request and has done so since 2006.
Home visits and liaison with Parents Carers is regular part of school life and any information paperwork is explained. Form filling is also supported. |
3 (D) |
To develop school website |
Incorporate all documentation. |
September 2019 |
Website is regularly updated and was reviewed in September 2019. Website will again be reviewed in September 2021.All information is contained on the website |
Access issues are an important aspect of work on inclusion and will be regularly reviewed as part of Roselyn House School improvement planning process. We believe a school designed for access and inclusion benefits all.
This is a 3 year plan.
Reviewed June 2021
Update June 2022
Update June 2023
Reviewed: June 2024