Drugs and Alcohol Policy (employees) 202[...]
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Drugs and Alcohol Policy (Employees)


1. Purpose


This policy sets out KS Education Limited’s position with regard to drugs and alcohol within the workplace and the approach it will take when the consumption of drugs or alcohol affects staff performance at work. The associated procedures cover the courses of action which will be taken in one-off situations of staff being under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst at work, as well as the action to be taken when a member of staff has an underlying drug or alcohol related problem.


2. Scope


The policy applies to all staff employed by and working for KS Education Limited.


3. Aims


The aims are:


  • To provide a healthy and safe working environment for all employees, students and visitors.


  • To help those with an alcohol or drug problem to be restored to health quickly to the benefit of themselves, their colleagues and the School and to return to an acceptable pattern of working.


4. Definitions


Substance Misuse

Drinking alcohol, taking drugs or a controlled substance, either intermittent or continuous which interferes with an individual’s health, work capabilities or conduct, or which affects the work performance and/or safety of themselves and others.



Means and includes any substance (other than alcohol) that produces physical, mental, emotional or behavioural change in the user, the sale, possession or consumption of which is illegal. This term includes prescription drugs where such prescription drugs have not been prescribed for the person possessing or using such drugs and/or such prescription drugs are not taken in accordance with a physician’s direction.

Controlled Substance

Means and includes all chemical substances or drugs listed in any controlled substances acts or regulations applicable under the law.



5. Principles


5.1      KS Education Limited recognises that addiction to alcohol and drugs may in some cases be considered a medical condition and should be treated as such. Employees who may have a problem will be encouraged to seek help and treatment voluntarily and at an early stage.


5.2.     Whilst alcohol or drug abuse does not excuse poor work performance or misconduct it may be treated as a mitigating factor and disciplinary procedures may be suspended whilst the opportunity is taken to identify potential alcohol or drug-related problems and, if necessary, to seek treatment.


5.3.     Employees are not permitted to consume alcohol immediately before or at any time during the working day, including during unpaid breaks, and should at no time report for work with a blood alcohol level exceeding the current UK limit for safe driving. Examples of such areas of work may include:


•         Using dangerous machinery or equipment.

•         Working with hazardous chemicals where spillages could be highly dangerous by virtue of their toxicity, flammability, carcinogenicity, etc.

•         Working in locations or environments where an unimpaired sense of balance is essential (ladders, work on roofs, working at height).

•         Driving a vehicle of any description.


This list is for illustration and should not be construed as exhaustive.


6. Responsibilities


6.1 Employees have personal responsibility to:


  • Be fit for work when conducting duties on behalf of KS Education Limited and notify management immediately if use of an aforementioned substance may cause any impairment of work performance.


  • Not consume alcohol during work time.


  • Not bring or use illegal substances on KS Education Limited’s premises under any circumstances.


  • Seek professional help if they have a substance abuse problem


  • Undertake and complete a substance abuse rehabilitation programme as recommended by a professional body


  • Report to a member of the Senior Management Team if they suspect that another employee in the workplace is under the influence of an aforementioned substance.


  • Notify a member of the Senior Management Team if they are taking medication that could affect their ability to work safely.

6.2 Managers have a responsibility to:


  • Make the Drugs and Alcohol Policy available to employees (on the network).


  • Ensure risk assessments are carried out for work under their control.


  • Discuss with employees as soon as possible if behaviour, performance or absence indicates a problem with substance misuse.


  • Provide support to employees who undertake a treatment programme.


  • Remove from the workplace employees who they suspect are under the influence of any aforementioned substance.


  • Record absence related to substance abuse in accordance with attendance reporting procedures


7. Conduct when alcohol is available at KS Education Limited related events


It is recognised that alcohol may be available at some related events (whether held on the premises or not), such as parties, entertaining visitors or other work-related events such as training courses. However, employees must be fit for work when conducting duties and are always expected to maintain and be responsible for their own standards of behaviour, with the emphasis on avoiding any actions that could lead to a complaint of misconduct or could harm the reputation of KS Education Limited. Such complaints will be fully investigated and may lead to disciplinary action being taken. Non-alcoholic beverages will always be available as an alternative.


S. Damerall

Reviewed: June 2024

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