Complaints and Representations Policy
We recognise that parents, carers and professionals play an important part in making this happen. Co-operation between parents, staff and the proprietors (KS Education Limited) of Roselyn House School leads to a shared sense of purpose and a good atmosphere in school.
Each level of the procedure set out below offers the opportunity for concerns and complaints to be resolved as quickly as possible.
Each parent, carer, professional or member of the public has access to this document on the school website and are
signposted this information during the initial visit. Further copies are available on request from Mrs Smith- Business Manager.
Parents, Carers, Professionals or Members of the public should, in the first instance, telephone and/or make an appointment to speak to the Headteacher, Miss S Damerall, Deputy Headteacher, Mr Birkenhead, or Business Manager- Mrs R Smith about their concern. Everything will be done to try to resolve the issue at this point.
Roselyn House School Guidance on:
Level 1 Informal - Concern Stage
It is hoped that most problems will have been resolved following this procedure.
Level 2 Formal Complaint Stage - Letter to Headteacher
An issue that has not been resolved through the informal level 1 can become an official complaint.
If the aforementioned do not feel satisfied with the informal level 1 approach, then if they wish to move on to level 2 they must write a formal letter of complaint to the Headteacher:-
Miss Sharon Damerall
Roselyn House School
Moss Lane
Off Wigan Road
PR25 4SE
The letter should clearly set out the issues which have previously been discussed and why the parent, carer, professional or member of the public considers the issue to be unresolved. Alternatively, the attached complaints form can be completed. Should you wish to obtain a further copy of this form, please contact Mrs Smith, Business Manager. Upon receipt of the written complaint, the Headteacher will consider the complaint and discuss a resolution with the Complainant. The Headteacher will offer a resolution to the Complainant in writing within 10 school days of receipt of the letter of complaint.
Roselyn House School’s Guidance on Level 2 – Formal Written Complaint
Stage 3- Complaints Panel
If the Complainant feels the complaint has not been resolved they should proceed to level 3, Roselyn House School Complaints Panel.
The decision that the Headteacher has made as a result of the complaint does not become a complaint about the Headteacher. (If there is a safeguarding concern regarding the Headteacher, this should be made to the designated LADO, following the Safeguarding Policy).
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome at Stage 2 and wishes to take the matter further, they should write to the Headteacher giving details of their concerns and asking for the matter to be given further consideration. They should outline why they do not feel an appropriate outcome has been reached at Stage 2. This letter will then be forwarded to the Complaints Panel.
A request to escalate to stage 3 must be made to the Headteacher, via the school office within 5 school days of receipt of the stage 2 response.
The Complaints Panel Chair will record the date the complaint is received and acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing either by letter or email within 2 school days. Peninsula Business Services will be contacted for advice.
Requests outside of this timeframe will only be considered if exceptional circumstances apply.
If the Complainant wishes to take the matter further, a Panel Hearing will be convened. This would consist of at least three people who are not directly involved in the previous consideration of the complaint.
The Complaints Panel will decide whether to deal with the complaint by inviting parties to a meeting or through written representations, but in making the decision will be sensitive to the complainant’s needs.
Where a Panel Hearing is convened, one person on the panel must be independent of the management and running of the school. Prior to the meeting, they will decide amongst theirselves who will act as Chair of the Complaints Panel.
The Chair of the Complaints Panel will aim to convene a meeting within 20 school days of receipt of the stage 3 request. If this is not possible, the Headteacher will provide an anticipated date and keep the complainant informed.
If the complainant rejects the offer of at least three proposed dates, without good reason, the Headteacher will decide when to hold the meeting. It will then proceed in the complainant’s absence on the basis of written submissions from both parties.
If the complainant is invited to attend the meeting, they may bring someone along to provide support. This could be a relative or friend. It is not encouraged for either party to bring along legal representatives. However, there may be occasions when this is appropriate. A representative from the media would not be allowed to attend.
Before the meeting:
At least 5 school days before the meeting, the Headteacher will:
Any written materials will be circulated 3 days prior to the meeting to all parties attending. Recordings will not be accepted which have been obtained covertly and without informed consent of all parties being recorded. Eg: via mobile phones.
At the meeting:
The Panel will not review any new complaints at this stage or consider evidence unrelated to the initial complaint. Any new complaints must be dealt with at Stage 2 of this procedure.
The meeting will be held in private. The meeting will not be electronically recorded unless a complainant’s disability or special need requires it. Consent of all parties must be sought and recorded in minutes from the meeting.
The Panel will consider the complaint and all the evidence presented. The Panel can:
If the complaint is upheld in whole or in part the panel will:
After the meeting:
The Chair of the Complaint Panel will provide the complainant with a full explanation of their decision and the reason(s) for it, in writing, within 5 school days.
This response will detail actions taken to investigate the complaint and provide full explanation and details that have been taken to resolve the complaint.
The letter will also advise on how the complainant could escalate their complaint if they are still dissatisfied.
If the complainant believes the school did not handle their complaint in accordance with this complaints procedure or they acted unlawfully or unreasonably in the exercise their duties under duration law, they can contact the Department for Education after they have completed stage 2.
The Department for Education will not normally reinvestigate the complaint but would consider whether Roselyn House School had adhered to education legislation and statutory policies connected to the complaint.
Department for Education contact:
Tel: 0370 000 2288
Department for Education
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Any complaints concerning the conduct of school staff will be handled in accordance with the school’s Internal Disciplinary Procedures. The details of such an investigation will remain confidential.
Written records will be kept of all complaints and their outcomes, whether they were resolved at level 1 (informal), Level 2
(written complaint) or Level 3 (Complaints Panel).
All statements, correspondence and records of complaints will be kept confidential in the School Business Manager’s Office and will only be viewed by those involved in investigating he complaint except where the Secretary of State or body conducting an inspection under section 109 of the 2008 Act requests access to them.
There is additional guidance available for the roles and responsibilities within these procedures.
S. Damerall
Reviewed: June 2024
Roles and Responsibilities
The complainant will receive a more effective response to the complaint if they:
The investigator’s role is to establish the facts relevant to the complaint by:
The investigator should:
The Head Teacher or complaints committee will then determine whether to uphold or dismiss the complaint and communicate that decision to the complainant, providing the appropriate escalation details.
Complaints Co-ordinator (this could be the Head Teacher)
The complaints co-ordinator should:
Committee Chair
The committee’s chair, who is nominated in advance of the complaint meeting, should ensure that:
If a new issue arises it would be useful to give everyone the opportunity to consider and comment upon it; this may require a short adjournment of the meeting
Committee Member
Committee members should be aware that:
We recognise that the complainant might not be satisfied with the outcome if the meeting does not find in their favour.It may only be possible to establish the facts and make recommendations
Parents/carers often feel emotional when discussing an issue that affects their child.
Careful consideration of the atmosphere and proceedings should ensure that the child/young person does not feel intimidated.
The committee should respect the views of the child/young person and give them equal consideration to those of adults.
If the child/young person is the complainant, the committee should ask in advance if any support is needed to help them present their complaint. Where the child/young person’s parent is the complainant, the committee should give the parent the opportunity to say which parts of the meeting, if any, the child/young person needs to attend.
However, the parent should be advised that agreement might not always be possible if the parent wishes the child/young person to attend a part of the meeting that the committee considers is not in the child/young person’s best interests.
Please complete and return this form to Miss Damerall, the Headteacher, who will acknowledge receipt and explain what action will be taken.
Your Name:
Student’s Name:
Your Relationship to the Student:
Day Telephone Number:
Evening Telephone Number:
Please give details of your complaint:
What action, if any, have you already taken to try and resolve your complaint (who did you speak to and what was their response)?
What actions do you feel might resolve the problem at this stage?
Are you attaching any paperwork? Yes / No If so, please give details:
Date: / / |
Date acknowledgement sent: / / |
By who:
Complaint referred to:
Date: / / |