Drugs and Alcohol Policy (students) 2024[...]
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Drugs and Alcohol Policy (Students)




1. Purpose


This policy sets out KS Education Limited’s position with regard to drugs and alcohol usage by Students within the School and the approach they will take when the consumption of drugs or alcohol has taken place.


2. Scope


The policy applies to all Students at Roselyn House School.


3. Aims


The aims are:


  • To provide a healthy and safe environment for all students, staff members and visitors.


  • To help those with an alcohol or drug problem and to refer them to appropriate Agencies who can provide help and support.


  • To educate young people and families in the misuse of alcohol and drugs.


  • To help our young people understand the dangers of substance misuse and how it can affect future life choices, progression, health and mental wellbeing.


  • To recognise the response in terms of the Law for alcohol and drugs.



4. Definitions


Substance Misuse

Drinking alcohol, taking drugs or a controlled substance, either intermittent or continuous which interferes with an individual’s health, capabilities or conduct, or which affects the safety of themselves and others.



Means and includes any substance (other than alcohol) that produces physical, mental, emotional or behavioural change in the user, the sale, possession or consumption of which is illegal. This term includes prescription drugs where such prescription drugs have not been prescribed for the person possessing or using such drugs and/or such prescription drugs are not taken in accordance with a physician’s direction.

Controlled Substance

Means and includes all chemical substances or drugs listed in any controlled substances acts or regulations applicable under the law.


5. Principles


KS Education Limited recognises:


  • That addiction to alcohol and drugs may in some cases be considered a medical condition and should be treated as such.
  • That addiction can be related to and is recognised as a mental health issue.
  • Some of our young people may come from backgrounds and home situations where the misuse of substances is ‘accepted.’
  • Discussion and talking supportively about the issues can help our students to change their own mindsets and make different life choices.




  • Should not bring any drugs or alcohol into school and are not permitted to consume at any part of the school day.
  • Who may have a problem, will be supported and encouraged to seek help and treatment at an early stage.
  • Will be educated in School about the dangers of substance misuse and how it can affect health, mental well being and future life choices.
  • Should be encouraged to talk about their addictions in a supportive environment and accept the offer of help as a positive.
  • Will be supported to work through issues or situations that may be contributing to use or addiction.


6. Responsibilities


Students have personal responsibility to:


  • Be fit for school when attending and notify a member of staff immediately if the use of an aforementioned substance has occurred.
  • Not consume alcohol during the school day.
  • Not bring or use illegal substances into School under any circumstances.
  • Seek professional help if they have a substance abuse problem.
  • Undertake and complete a substance abuse rehabilitation programme as recommended by a professional body – Young We Are With You, CAMHS, ELCAS.


  • Report to a member of staff if they suspect that another student in school is under the influence of an illegal substance.
  • Notify a member of staff if they are taking medication.
  • Attend lessons, following their timetable.
  • Not cause risk or harm to any other students or staff.



Staff have a responsibility to:


  • Be aware of and make students aware of the Drugs and Alcohol Policy.
  • Have knowledge of individual students, their backgrounds and families.
  • Encourage open discussion about illegal substances but be careful not to pre-judge or assume.
  • Be supportive in responses to young people and although not condoning substance misuse, be prepared to listen- report as a safeguarding issue.
  • Explain that substance misuse is not acceptable as it is illegal but do not be punitive in the approach as students will often refuse help and become unwilling to talk about it.
  • Discuss with students their behaviour, performance or absence which may indicate a problem with substance misuse.
  • Be informed of what substance misuse can be.
  • Educate and be willing to discuss how illegal substances can affect young people and their families.
  • Provide support and encourage students who undertake a treatment programme.


What to do if you suspect a young person has taken drugs or consumed alcohol:


  • Record absence related to substance abuse in accordance with attendance reporting procedures.
  • All staff are given permission by The Headteacher to stop and search a student if they suspect illegal substances are concealed on them and confiscate. This includes any associated items which may help with the consumption of such substances. A member of the SLT can be present if requested.
  • Staff should report to a member of SLT if they suspect a young person to have an illegal substance on their person.
  • SLT will support staff by following this Policy.
  • Remove any student and seat them in a safe place if they suspect they are under the influence of any substance- risk assess the needs of the young person- is medical intervention required? (If necessary follow First Aid Policy).
  • If it is uncertain whether a young person is under the influence and is functioning in an appropriate manner, they should be returned to class and monitored.
  • If a young person is under the influence and deemed a risk to themselves or  others they should be kept within the safe place and continuously monitored. If necessary, they could be returned home at the earliest convenience. However, an assessment of risk has to be considered as to whether the young person may do more harm to their selves by returning home. This will be risk assessed by a member of the SLT in consultation with Parents/Carers.
  • Any illegal substances, found should be handed into a member of SLT who will secure the substance in the appropriate manner in order to remove risk from other students and staff.
  • Police will be contacted if there is a suspected intent to supply, Class A drugs are found or any other suspected crime has occurred.
  • The Headteacher will be kept informed at all times.
  • Students will be spoken to with regard the incident. This will take place as a discussion or a meeting with The Headteacher/SLT and outside relevant agencies based on level of incident and need
  • The School’s No Exclusion Policy will be adhered to.


7. Administration of Prescribed Medication


  • Should a student need a prescribed medication to be administered during the school day, prior arrangement must be made with a member of the Senior Management Team.


  • A consent form needs to be signed by the student’s parent/ carer and sent to school prior to the administration of any medication.


  • All medication must be sent into school in its original packaging and with original instructions.


  • All medication will be stored in the safe.


  • Louise Mercer, Jacqueline Oneil, Ruby Taylor, Jack Birkenhead, Tracy Higgins and Rachel Smith have been designated to administer medication.


  • KS Education Limited reserve the right to refuse to administer medication should a student be non-compliant.


  • A medication log is stored, locked in the Admin Office and this must be completed upon the receipt of medication from home and each time medication is administered.


  • No medication will be administered and/ or provided to Students without express written consent from parents/carers and medication provided from home. This includes paracetamol.





Useful contacts:


Young We Are With You (Formerly Young Addaction)


Urban Exchange

Mount Street




Telephone:- 0808 164 0074


This Policy has been prepared by Miss Damerall in collaboration with staff and students.



S. Damerall


Reviewed: June 2024

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