Intimate Care Policy 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [31.1 KB]


Intimate and Personal Care Policy



Roselyn House School is committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for the intimate care of students will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times.

We recognise that there is a need to treat all students with respect when intimate care is given. Our practice permits and promotes the greatest level of self-care and independence for every student.

Definition of Intimate Care Intimate Care is any care which involves washing, touching, changing or carrying out an invasive procedure a student is not able to do independently, for example:

  • Dressing.
  • Changing soiled or wet clothes.
  • Changing of nappy/pads.
  • Toileting.
  • Washing.
  • Application of topical medicines (e.g. sun cream, eczema creams).
  • First aid and medical assistance.


Principles of Intimate Care

The provision of personal care may be routine care for some students with a disability. However, the need for personal care occurs occasionally for other students in the School.

The following statements are the fundamental principles of intimate care upon which our policy is based.

Every student has the right:

To be safe

To personal privacy

To be valued as an individual; to be treated with dignity and respect

To be involved and consulted in their intimate care to the best of their abilities

To express their views on intimate care and to have such views taken into account

To have levels of intimate care that is appropriate and consistent.


All staff working at Roselyn House School will hold up to date Disclosure and Barring Service checks (DBS). Staff designated to carry out intimate care will be properly trained, receive appropriate guidance and know the school’s Safeguarding Policy, Intimate Care Policy and other related pastoral care policies.

Students and volunteers are not permitted to be involved in intimate care.

Staff behaviour is open to scrutiny and staff at Roselyn House School will work in partnership with parents/carers to provide continuity of care to students whenever possible.

The school is committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for the intimate care of students will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times.


Management of Intimate Care

The management of all students with intimate care needs will be carefully planned. The student who requires intimate care is treated with respect at all times; the student’s  welfare and dignity is of paramount importance.

A student will be encouraged to attend to their own needs wherever possible and safe to do so.  It may be possible to provide supervision and guidance, intervening only where necessary or if the student asks for help.

The expectation is that staff will use limited touch and when physical contact is made with students, it will be in response to the student’s needs at the time and be of limited duration.

Staff will encourage students to be as independent as they can.

Each student’s right to privacy will be respected.

Personal care should always be provided in an appropriate area so that the student is afforded privacy.

Careful consideration will be given to each student’s situation to determine how many carers might need to be present when a student is toileted or changed.

Where possible, one student will be cared for by one adult.

When a member of staff is required to provide intimate care, they must first notify another member of staff so that they are aware and remain within hearing or sight of the student.

If help is needed, one adult should be inside the room, with the door ajar and a second adult should be outside within hearing or sight of the student.


Continuing/Ongoing Intimate Care Need

If a child has a continuing need for intimate care, for example, they are in a nappy or pull-up/pads arrangements will be discussed with parents/carers, and an individual care/support plan will be written and signed.

Advice and support from a Health Visitor or School Nurse will be sought where necessary.

Meetings will take place between the parents/carers and the school on a regular basis to monitor progress.

The needs and wishes of students and parents will be taken into account wherever possible within the constraints of staffing and equal opportunities legislation.

Parents/carers will provide nappies or pull-ups/pads, wipes, nappy sacks and a changing mat (where appropriate).

The school will provide disposable gloves and aprons as well as antibacterial hand wash and spray.

When a student requires intimate care, the member of staff caring for the student will notify another member of staff of the task being undertaken, and it will then be recorded in the Personal Care book held by the Group Lead.

It is the responsibility of all staff caring for a student to ensure that they are fully aware of the student’s method and level of communication.

Depending on their maturity and levels of stress, students may communicate using different methods – words, signs, symbols, body movements, pointing etc.

To ensure effective communication:

  • Make eye contact at the student’s level.
  • Use simple language and repeat if necessary.
  • Wait for a response.
  • Continue to explain to the student what is happening even if there is no response.
  • Treat the student as an individual with dignity and respect.


If a member of staff has any concerns about physical changes in a student’s presentation, e.g. marks, bruises, soreness etc. she/he will immediately report concerns to a DSL following the school’s child protection procedures. (see Safeguarding Policy)



The School Leadership Responsibilities:

  • To ensure that staff will receive on-going training in good working practices which comply with health and safety regulations such as hygiene procedures; manual handling; awareness of medical conditions and associated first aid/child protection procedures; and other aspects of intimate care.
  • To keep a record of training undertaken by staff and to ensure that refresher and updating training is provided where required.
  • To provide Induction programmes for all new staff and to ensure that all new staff are familiar with the school’s Intimate Care Policy and relevant Intimate Care Procedures.


Staff Responsibilities:

  • Staff must be familiar with the Intimate Care policy/procedures.
  • Staff must adhere to health and safety and intimate care policies and procedures and must report any health and safety concerns to management within the school.
  • Designated staff will liaise with parents/carers and other appropriate services over the development and implementation of the agreed Intimate Care Procedures.
  • Designated staff will liaise with other professionals regarding specific aspects of Intimate Care if appropriate.


Parent/Carer Responsibilities:

  • To ensure the school is provided with adequate supplies and changes of clothes
  • Liaise regularly with the school regarding care arrangements


S. Damerall

Reviewed: June 2024




Appendix 1 Intimate Care Procedures

Procedure for undressing and dressing students – after soiling/getting clothes dirty/wet:

(When a child is heavily soiled or in distress the parent/carer will be phoned and given the option of coming to school to change their child)

  • Ensure you have told another member of staff that you are involved in an intimate care procedure
  • Ensure you have told another member of staff that you are involved in an intimate care procedure.
  • Ensure the privacy of the student is considered.
  • Ensure another member of staff is within hearing or sight of the student if there will be direct physical contact with the student.
  • Ensure you are wearing disposable glove and apron.
  • Encourage the student to remove clothing from lower body first and to do it independently. Provide help or assistance only when and if needed.
  • Wash/clean as required –again encourage the student to do this independently using wet wipes. Ensure lower regions are covered before removing garments from upper body (if necessary). Dispose of wet wipes in lidded bin reserved for soiled waste only.
  • Give the student the clean clothes (either provided by the parents/carers, or where these are not present lend them some clean clothes from the school supply).
  • Encourage the student to dress themselves.
  • Provide help or assistance as appropriate/required.
  • Put the wet or soiled clothes in a plastic bag and ensure the student takes them home at the end of the day. Where appropriate we will speak to the parents as well.
  • The student must then wash their hands with hand wash and water.
  • Remove gloves and wash your hands using hand wash. Dispose of gloves and apron in the appropriate lidded bin.
  • IMPORTANT – record the care given in Personal Care book located with your Group Lead.
  • A second member of staff must also sign the book.


Appendix 2 Intimate Care Procedures

Procedure for changing nappies / pull ups:


(Where a student is heavily soiled or in distress the parent/carer will be phoned and given the option of coming to school to change their child)


  • Ensure you have told another member of staff that you are involved in an intimate care procedure. This takes place away from others, but that doors are left ajar.
  • Ensure you are wearing disposable gloves and apron.
  • Remove clothes from students lower body,or provide help if they can do it independently.
  • Take off the nappy while the student is standing, or use the changing mat on the floor.
  • Wipe away the mess using wipes provided. It may be possible to encourage the student to do this for themselves.
  • Ensure the skin is clean and dry.
  • Put on a clean nappy / pad (using a changing mat) or pull up. Check that it fits snuggly around the waist and legs.
  • Dress the student or allow them to dress themselves if they are able to.
  • Ask the student to wash their hands.
  • Ensure that the soiled nappy is put in a nappy sack or plastic bag, sealed and disposed of in the appropriate lidded bin.
  • Dispose of gloves and apron in the lidded bin.
  • Wash your hands with hand wash.
  • IMPORTANT – Record the care given and let parents know X’s nappy was changed today X times at ….am/pm by X.



Appendix 3



My child has an ongoing medical need and will require intimate care.


Student Name


Reason for Intimate Care Need



I give permission to Roselyn House School to provide appropriate intimate care support to my child e.g.

Changing soiled nappies

Changing soiled clothing


Toileting if and when needed

Other intimate care as may be necessary

I will provide the school with suitable nappies, wipes, nappy bags and a change of clothes.


I will advise the Group Lead of any medical complaint my child may have which affects issues of intimate care e.g. an upset stomach.


I have read the school’s Intimate Care Policy.

I understand that the school will inform me if my child has needed intimate care

Name of Parent / Carer






Signed Headteacher





This is subject to an annual review and will be next reviewed on                               


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