

At Roselyn House School, we aim to promote academic and emotional development through access to an individualised, relevant, broad and balanced curriculum with emphasis on acceptable standards in all areas of life. Thus providing criteria for success for our students to access. The curriculum will enable students to develop learning and social skills with a settled, dynamic, supportive, safe and challenging environment.  It is within this environment that students will be able to succeed in overcoming difficulties which impede learning and go on to achieve internal, external and national accreditation.  Likewise the individual young person will become aware of him/her self, develop self-esteem, become emotionally literate and show awareness/respect of others.  By achieving this, he/she will meet the expectations regarded as important by the student, his/her family/carers, the school and society in general.  Every person who enters Roselyn House School will be expected to follow the School’s Code of Conduct:


  • Consider the feelings of others.
  • Listen carefully when people are speaking to you.
  • Try to talk through problems.
  • Try to be patient.
  • Take a pride in what you are doing.
  • Be on time.
  • Look after the School and what is in it.
  • Dress appropriately for the job in hand.
  • Look for positives.
  • Enjoy yourself.
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This website is maintaned By Dave Somers IT Manager Roselyn House School © KS Education 2024