Procedures for Handling Bomb Threats
The vast majority of bomb threats are hoaxes designed to cause alarm and disruption. As well as the rare instances of valid bomb threats, terrorists may also make hoax bomb threat calls to intimidate the public, businesses and communities, to draw attention to their cause and to mislead police. While many bomb threats involve a person-to-person phone call, an increasing number are sent electronically using email or social media applications. No matter how ridiculous or implausible the threat may seem, all such communications are a crime and should be reported to the police by dialling 999. It is important that potential recipients - either victims or third parties used to pass the message - have plans that include how the information is recorded, acted upon and passed to police.
1.1 The bomb threat message
Bomb threats containing accurate and precise information, and received well in advance of an actual attack, are rare occurrences. Precise motives for hoaxing are difficult to determine but may include revenge, extortion, a desire to impress, or a combination of these and other less understandable motives. The vast majority of cases are hoaxes and the intent is social engineering, to cause disruption, fear and/or inconvenience the victim.
1.2 Communication of the threat
A bomb threat can be communicated in a number of different ways. The threat is likely to be made in person over the telephone; however, it may also be a recorded message, communicated in written form, delivered face-to-face or, increasingly, sent by email or social media (e.g. Twitter or Instagram, etc.). A threat may be communicated via a third-party, i.e. a person or organisation unrelated to the intended victim and identified only to pass the message.
1.3 Immediate steps if you receive a bomb threat communication
Any member of staff with a direct telephone line, mobile phone, computer or tablet etc., could conceivably receive a bomb threat. Such staff should, therefore, understand the actions required of them as the potential first response to a threat message.
If you receive a telephone threat you should:
If the threat is delivered face-to-face:
If discovered in a written note, letter or as graffiti:
If the threat is received via email or social media application:
REMEMBER Dial 999 and follow police advice. Seek advice from a member of SLT as soon as possible.
1.4 Assessing the credibility of bomb threats
Evaluating the credibility of a threat is a critical task, particularly if the attack being threatened is imminent. This is a tactic used to place additional pressure on decision makers. Police will assess the threat at the earliest opportunity. When specific intelligence is known to Police, advice will be issued; accordingly, however, in the absence of detailed information, it will be necessary to consider a number of factors:-
1.5 Actions to consider
Responsibility for the initial decision making remains with the management of Roselyn House School with the venue, being threatened. Do not delay your decision-making process waiting for the arrival of police. Police will assess the credibility of the threat at the earliest opportunity. All bomb threats should be reported to the police and their subsequent advice followed accordingly. It is essential that appropriate plans exist, they should be event and location specific.
Venue options to manage the risk include:-
External evacuation
Leaving the venue will be appropriate when directed by Police and/or it is reasonable to assume the threat is credible, and when evacuation will move people towards a safer location.
Staff at the KS3 site will be directed to take students off site by school vehicles if these are safe to access or in the event they cannot, to walk to the KS4/5 site, 26 Hastings Road, Leyland.
Staff at the KS4/5 site will be directed to take students off site by school vehicles if these are safe to access or in the event they cannot, to walk to the KS3 site, Moss Lane, Leyland, PR25 4SE.
Two members of staff should stay close to the school and be able to access a telephone.
Evacuation procedures should also put adequate steps in place to ensure no one else enters the area once an evacuation has been initiated.
The Police will establish cordons depending upon the size of an identified suspect device. Always follow police directions and avoid assembly close to a police cordon.
Internal or inwards evacuation (‘invacuation’)
There are occasions when it is safer to remain inside. Staying in your venue and moving people away from external windows/walls is relevant when it is known that a bomb is not within or immediately adjacent to your building.
If the suspect device is outside your venue, people may be exposed to greater danger if the evacuation route inadvertently takes them past the device. A safer alternative may be the use of internal protected spaces.
Students should go to individual classrooms (use of workshop groups), the furniture can be moved as appropriate to provide a barrier or ‘cover’.
If the location of the device threatened is unknown, evacuation represents a credible and justifiable course of action.
Decision not to evacuate or inwardly evacuate
This will be reasonable and proportionate if, after an evaluation by the relevant manager(s), the threat is deemed implausible (e.g. a deliberate hoax). In such circumstances Police may provide additional advice and guidance relating to other risk management options. It may be considered desirable to ask staff familiar with the venue to check their immediate surroundings to identify anything out of place, see search considerations below.
Checking your venue for suspicious items - Search considerations
Regular searches of your establishment, proportionate to the risks faced, will enhance a good security culture and reduce the risk of a suspicious item being placed or remaining unnoticed for long periods. Additionally, if you receive a bomb threat and depending upon how credible it is, you may decide to conduct a ‘search’ for suspicious items. This will be the responsibility of the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. To that end:
Remember: it is vital that regular drills are carried out to ensure all are familiar with bomb threat procedures, routes and rendezvous points. Disabled staff should have personal evacuation plans and be individually briefed on their evacuation procedures. Similarly, all visitors should be briefed on evacuation procedures and quickly identified and assisted in the event of a threat.
Familiarising through testing and exercising will increase the likelihood of an effective response to an evacuation and aid the decision-making process when not to evacuate/invacuate.
1.6 Media and communication
Avoid revealing details about specific incidents to the media or through social media without prior consultation with police. Do not provide details of the threat, the decision-making process relating to evacuation (internal or external) or why a decision not to evacuate was taken.
Releasing details of the circumstances may:
For the latest, up to date versions of NaCTSO guidance, please visit The NaCTSO page is no longer updated.
A copy of Actions to be taken on receipt of a bomb threat should be kept in the school office and the Headteacher’s Office.
Forms can be found here:
Bomb Threat Action Card.pdf (
Bomb threats checklist.pdf (
S. Damerall
Reviewed: June 2024