Participation of Students at Roselyn House School

Students at Roselyn House School, have always been involved in shaping the provision, in terms of resources, subjects offered, therapeutic input and individual intervention. The school has a student council where representatives from each year group are nominated to put forward ideas on whole school issues. The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher are able to meet with the students and discussions take place during PSHE lessons. The school is in a unique position where the Directors have their ear to the ground and staff/students alike can come directly to them and receive an answer instantly.


It has been the belief of our students that they want to be treated the 'same' as any other student in a 'mainstream' setting. It is recognised therefore that our students should have 'Options' to choose from in Year 10 onwards. These can be GCSE, vocational courses and Duke of Edinburgh. Any new student may be able to suggest a course which is not currently offered by school. This has been the case in the past and a subject has been developed in order to fulfil a particular need for an individual.


Teacher's planning is influenced by students and differentiated accordingly. Teachers will regularly ask for feedback to their lessons in order to discover preferred learning styles and delivery of activities. There are opportunities for students to suggest educational visits which relate to current topics being taught.


Lessons have been designed which allow students to shape their own learning and in particular a recent 'Apprentice Project' (English) which looked at students putting together an 'ideal school' and producing a letter to the Headteacher.


Students are able to participate in a variety of therapeutic activities. There are a range of areas offered which develop the young persons' Social and Emotional development and he or she can select topics/activities/skills they may want to do. This can also be incorporated into the skill/physical section of the Duke of Edinburgh award (which again is optional).


Students have been involved in implementing rules within the school and systems for rewards and sanctions. They have been influential in the type of rewards they have earned and suggested shorter term rewards which has been implemented for the morning before break and after lunch. Tutor sessions have been implemented where students can discuss whole school and personal issues. They use this time and the Student Council in order to suggest additional break time activities.


Students have been influential in bringing various anger management strategies together and suggest ways that they have felt more comfortable with. They have influenced the use of time out and designated areas outside so that they may have time to cool off. They are forthcoming when suggesting things they do or do not like.


Lunch menus and breakfast club have been designed by our students and recommendations for menus suggested. Students have also provided and managed a Year 11 Common Room and some have been instructive in deciding the design of certain classrooms.


The students were also involved in the design of a new uniform, including a school logo for the school jumpers and colours of red, black & gold. They have been involved in assemblies and organising charity events and focus weeks.


Students are encouraged to respect their school and take ownership of its appearance. Many students are involved in DIY and are allowed decision making and planning towards the end product.

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