Remote learning policy 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [51.6 KB]



Remote Learning Policy



This policy has been written with understanding and reference to:

Providing Remote education- non statutory guidance for schools January 2023


This policy should be read in conjunction with other school policies relating to interaction between adults and students. In particular Roselyn House School’s Curriculum Policy, Assessment & Marking Policy, Online Safety Policy, Emergency Procedures Policy and procedures, Security Policy, Electonic Information and Communications Policy and Safeguarding Policy.


Due regard should be given to Keeping Children safe in Education 2023

The responsible people for the implementation of this policy are the Headteacher and Deputy Head Teachers.

The policy will be reviewed annually by the Headteacher in consultation with the staff.


1.    Introduction

2.    Aims

3.    The remote learning process

4.    Roles and responsibilities

5.    Who to contact

6.    Data protection

7.    Online safety

8.    Marking and feedback (Tracking and assessment)

9.    Resources

10. Safeguarding

11. Monitoring arrangements

12.  Extended school closure






Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to adjust the way learning takes place in the event of a group/school closure or an individual has to miss school due to illness. This is to ensure every student has the opportunity to continue with education. Remote learning will be used as a tool to educate students consistently during any sporadic school closures. Any closures will be to ensure the safety of the students and staff if the school or groups becomes compromised as part of our emergency planning procedures.

This policy is produced in consultation with all staff so as to be clear and understood. It is available by request, in the school prospectus and on the school website.


The purpose of this remote learning policy is to ensure the following:

·         Ensure consistency in the school’s approach to remote learning.

·         Set out expectations for all members of the school community with regards to remote learning.

·         Provide appropriate guidelines for GDPR

·         Reduce disruption to student’s education and the delivery of the curriculum, so that every pupil has access to high quality learning resources.

·         To promote E-Safety and follow school’s Online Safety Policy and E-Safety Policy.

·         Ensure that safeguarding measures are continued during remote learning.

·         Ensure all pupils have the provision they need to complete their work to the best of their ability, and to support emotional, social and health wellbeing during periods of remote learning.



1.1.             The content of the lessons is to be sent via email to the designated email address on the student’s passport. If a different email address is provided, please confirm with Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Carer(s) first; please forward this to the Admin Team so that this can be added to the student passport if necessary.

1.2.             The Teams invite should be sent via Office 365 or the Teams app before 9:25AM. The time should match the slots on the school timetable. Please ask Mr Birkenhead (RHS) if you have any issues with this.

1.3.             Await positive confirmation from the class TA, Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Carer(s) or the students.

1.4.             If people do not receive the invitation or struggle to gain access, please escalate to Mr Birkenhead (RHS) as soon as possible.

1.5.             Once all the invitations are confirmed for the scheduled time, the session can begin.

1.6.             Every session should have the same structure to a classroom-based lesson.

1.7.             Once the lesson has ended please leave the session.

This should follow procedures outlined in Roselyn House School’s Online Safety Policy.


                            1.1.           The Headteacher and Deputy Head are responsible for:

·         Ensuring that staff, parents and pupils adhere to the relevant policies at all times.

·         Ensuring that there are arrangements in place for identifying, evaluating, and managing the risks associated with remote learning.

·         Ensuring that there are arrangements in place for monitoring incidents associated with remote learning.

·         Overseeing that the school has the resources necessary to action the procedures in this policy.

·         Reviewing the effectiveness of this policy and linked policies, on an annual basis and communicating any changes to staff, parents, and pupils.

·         Arranging any additional training staff may require to support pupils during the period of remote learning.

·         Conducting reviews on a weekly basis of the remote learning arrangements to ensure pupils’ education does not suffer.

                            1.2.           The Health and Safety Lead is responsible for:

·         Ensuring that the relevant health and safety risk assessments are carried out within the agreed timeframes, in collaboration with the Headteacher.

·         Putting procedures and safe systems of learning into practice, which are designed to eliminate or reduce the risks associated with remote learning.

·         Ensuring that pupils identified as being at risk are provided with necessary information and instruction, as required.

·         Managing the effectiveness of health and safety measures through a robust system of reporting, investigating, and recording incidents.

                            1.3.           The Data Protection Officer is responsible for:

·         Overseeing that all school-owned electronic devices used for remote learning have adequate anti-virus software and malware protection.

·         Ensuring all staff, parents, and pupils are aware of the data protection principles outlined in the GDPR.

·         Ensuring that all computer programs used for remote learning are compliant with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

·         Overseeing that any ICT equipment used for remote learning is resilient and can efficiently recover lost data.

·         To work within achieving, evidencing and maintaining Cyber Security Standards


                            1.4.           The DSL is responsible for:

·         Attending and arranging, where necessary, any safeguarding meetings that occur during the remote learning period.

·         Liaising with the ICT technicians to ensure that all technology used for remote learning is suitable for its purpose and will protect pupils online.

·         Identifying vulnerable pupils who may be at risk if they are learning remotely.

·         Ensuring that child protection plans are enforced while the pupil is learning remotely, and liaising with the Headteacher and other organisations to make alternate arrangements for pupils who are at a high risk, where required.

·         Identifying the level of support or intervention required while pupils learn remotely and ensuring appropriate measures are in place.

·         Liaising with relevant individuals to ensure vulnerable pupils receive the support required during the period of remote working ensuring all safeguarding incidents are adequately recorded and reported.


                            1.5.           The ICT Technician is responsible for:

·         Ensuring that all school-owned devices used for remote learning have suitable anti-virus software installed, have a secure connection, can recover lost work, and allow for audio and visual material to be recorded, where required.

·         Ensuring that any programs or networks used for remote learning can effectively support a large number of users at one time, where required, e.g. undertaking ‘stress’ testing.

·         Working with the Deputy Head to ensure that the equipment and technology used for learning remotely is accessible to all pupils and staff.

·         To work within achieving, evidencing and maintaining Cyber Security Standards

                            1.6.           Staff members are responsible for:

·         Adhering to this policy at all times during periods of remote learning.

·         Reporting any health and safety incidents to the Health and Safety Lead and asking for guidance as appropriate.

·         Reporting any safeguarding incidents to the DSL and asking for guidance as appropriate. See Safeguarding Policy and Online Safety Policy

·         Taking part in any training conducted to meet the requirements of this policy, including training on how to use the necessary electronic equipment and software.

·         Reporting any dangers or potential dangers they identify, as well as any concerns they may have about remote learning, to the Headteacher.

·         Reporting any defects on school-owned equipment used for remote learning to an ICT Technician.

                            1.7.           Parents are responsible for:

·         Adhering to this policy at all times during periods of remote learning.

·         Ensuring their child is available to learn remotely at the times scheduled by the school.

·         Reporting any technical issues to the school as soon as possible.

·         Ensuring that their child always has access to remote learning material during the times set out.

·         Reporting any absence before the session has begun.

·         Ensuring their child uses the equipment and technology used for remote learning as intended.

·         Adhering to the set rules by Roselyn House School.

                            1.8.           Students are responsible for:

·         Adhering to this policy at all times during periods of remote learning.

·         Ensuring they are available to learn remotely at the times scheduled by the school.

·         Reporting any technical issues to their teacher as soon as possible.

·         Ensuring they have access to remote learning material and notifying a responsible adult if they do not have access.

·         Notifying a responsible adult if they are feeling unwell or are unable to complete the schoolwork they have been set.

·         Ensuring they use any equipment and technology for remote learning as intended.

·         Adhering to the Behaviour Policy at all times.


                            1.9.         Teachers are responsible for:


·         Teachers must be available between 9:25AM- 2:45PM. If they are unable to work for any reason during this time, for example due to sickness or caring for a dependent, they should report this using the normal absence procedure.

·         Setting work.

·         Providing paper-based copies/resources to support the work being set, if requested by Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Carer(s). Please liaise with the Admin Team to arrange this being sent out.

·         Who they need to provide work for, including if they may need to cover for other classes.

·         The amount of work they need to provide.

·         How they should coordinate with other Teachers and the Teaching and Learning Support Lead to ensure consistency across the year/subject.

·         Tracking in accordance with school procedures.

·         Providing feedback on work.

·         Handling of any complaints and making sure they are passed on to the relevant line manager.

·         To ask all students to abide in the correct manner when being taught remotely. Enforce this via the Behaviour Policy.

·         Attend virtual meetings.

·         Wear appropriate clothing.

·         To liaise with teaching assistants with regards to subject content.


                          1.10.       Teaching assistants are responsible for

·         Teaching assistants must be available between 9:25AM - 2:45PM. If they are unable to work for any reason during this time, for example due to sickness or caring for a dependent, they should report this using the normal absence procedure.

·         Wear appropriate clothing.

·         To liaise with teachers with regards to any questions about subject content.


                          1.11.        Subject leads are responsible for:-

Alongside their teaching responsibilities, as outlined above, subject leads are responsible for:

·         Considering whether any aspects of the subject curriculum need to change to accommodate remote learning.

·         Remote learning is reflected in your scheme of work.

·         Working with Teachers teaching their subject to make sure work set is appropriate and consistent

·         Working with other subject leads and senior leaders to make sure work set across subjects is appropriate and consistent, and deadlines are being set an appropriate distance away from each other

·         Monitoring the work set by teachers in their subject – explain how they’ll do this, such as through regular meetings with teachers or by reviewing work set

·         Alerting teachers to resources they can use to teach their subject.

                          1.12.       Senior leaders are responsible for: -

Alongside any teaching responsibilities, senior leaders are responsible for:

·         Coordinating the remote learning approach across the school – if you’ve assigned one member of staff to lead on this, highlight them here.

·         Monitoring the effectiveness of remote learning – explain how they’ll do this, such as through regular meetings with teachers and subject leaders, reviewing work set or reaching out for feedback from pupils and parents.

·         Monitoring the security of remote learning systems, including data protection and safeguarding considerations.




If staff have any questions or concerns, they should contact the following individuals:


·         Issues in setting work – Mr Birkenhead

·         Issues with behaviour – Mr Birkenhead

·         Issues with IT – Mr Somers

·         Issues with their own workload or wellbeing – Mr Dickinson (RHS KS3), Mr Birkenhead (RHS), Mrs Higgins (RHS KS4/5), Miss Willacy (RHS KS4/5)

·         Concerns about data protection – Mrs Smith

·         Concerns about safeguarding – DSLs (Mr Birkenhead, Miss Damerall and Mrs Smith)




5.1  This section of the policy will be enacted in conjunction with the school’s Data Protection Policy.

5.2  Staff members will be responsible for adhering to GDPR principles when teaching remotely and will ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their devices at all times.

5.3    Sensitive data will only be transferred between devices if it is necessary to do so for the purpose of remote learning and teaching.

5.4    Any data that is transferred between devices will be suitably encrypted or have other data protection measures in place so that if the data is lost, stolen, or subject to unauthorised access, it remains safe until recovered.

5.5    Parents’ and pupils’ up-to-date contact details will be collected prior to the period of remote learning.

5.6    All contact details will be stored in line with the Data Protection Policy.

5.7   Any breach of confidentiality will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s GDPR Information.

5.8   Any intentional breach of confidentiality will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Data Protection Policy



6.1 This section of the policy will be enacted in conjunction with the school’s Online Safety Policy.

6.2 Where possible, all interactions will be textual and public.

6.3    All staff and pupils using video communication must:

·         Communicate in groups – one-to-one sessions are not permitted.

·         Wear suitable clothing – this includes others in their household.

·         Be situated in a suitable ‘public’ living area within the home with an appropriate background – ‘private’ living areas within the home, such as bedrooms, are not permitted during video communication.

·         Use appropriate language – this includes others in their household.

·         Maintain the standard of behaviour expected in school.

·         Use the necessary equipment and computer programs as intended.

·         Not record, store, or distribute video material without permission.

·         Ensure they have a stable connection to avoid disruption to lessons.

·         Always remain aware that they are visible.


6.4    The school will consider whether one-to-one sessions are appropriate in some circumstances, e.g. to provide support for pupils with further complex needs or in the case of staff absence. This will be decided and approved by the SLT, in collaboration with Mr Birkenhead, Deputy Headteacher.

6.5    Pupils not using devices or software as intended will be disciplined in line with the Behaviour Policy.

6.6    The school will risk assess the technology used for remote learning prior to use and ensure that there are no privacy issues or scope for inappropriate use.

6.7    The school will consult with parents at least one week prior to the period of remote learning (where possible) about what methods of delivering remote teaching are most suitable – alternate arrangements will be made where necessary.

6.8    The school will ensure that all school-owned equipment and technology used for remote learning has suitable anti-virus software installed, can establish secure connections, can recover lost work, and allows for audio and visual material to be recorded or downloaded, where required.

6.9    The school will communicate to parents via letter, email or telephone about any precautionary measures that need to be put in place if their child is learning remotely using their own/family-owned equipment and technology, e.g. ensuring that their internet connection is secure.

6.10  During the period of remote learning, the school will maintain regular contact with parents to:

·        Reinforce the importance of children staying safe online.

·        Ensure parents are aware of what their children are being asked to do, e.g. sites they have been asked to use and staff they will interact with.

·        Encourage them to set age-appropriate parental controls on devices and internet filters to block malicious websites.

·        Direct parents to useful resources to help them keep their children safe online.

6.11 The school will not be responsible for providing access to the internet off the school premises and will not be responsible for providing online safety software, e.g. anti-virus software, on devices not owned by the school.




7.1  All schoolwork set through remote learning must be:

·         Complete when returned to the relevant member of teaching staff.

·         Completed to the best of the pupil’s ability.

·         The pupil’s own work.

·         Marked in line with the appropriate criteria for the work.

·         Feedback given to the pupil, once marked, by an agreed date.


7.2  The school expects pupils and staff to maintain a good work ethic and a high quality of work during the period of remote learning.

7.3    Pupils are accountable for the completion of their own schoolwork – teaching staff will contact parents via email, telephone or through home visits if their child is not completing their schoolwork or their standard of work has noticeably decreased.

7.4    Work that cannot be completed for genuine reasons will be completed when the pupil returns to school.

7.5    Teaching staff will monitor the academic progress of pupils with and without access to the online learning resources and discuss additional support or provision with the teaching and learning leadas soon as possible.

7.6    Teaching staff will monitor the academic progress of pupils and discuss additional support or provision with Teaching and learning lead as soon as possible.

7.7    All lessons should be tracked in accordance with school procedures and RHS levels should be given after each session.






Learning materials

8.1  For the purpose of providing remote learning, the school may make use of:

·         Work booklets

·         Email

·         Past mock exam papers

·         Online learning portals

·         Educational websites

·         Reading tasks

·         Live webinars

·         Pre-recorded video or audio lessons


8.2  Teachers will review the DfE’s list of online education resources and utilise these tools as necessary, in addition to existing resources.

8.3    Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure that all pupils have access to the resources needed for effective remote learning.

8.4    Lesson plans will be adapted to ensure that the curriculum remains fully accessible via remote learning, where practical – where this is not practical, the school will ensure pupils can catch up on these areas of the curriculum when they return to school.

8.5    Teaching staff will liaise with the Teaching and Learning Lead and other relevant members of staff to ensure all pupils remain fully supported for the duration of the remote learning period.

8.6    Any defects or issues with remote learning resources will be reported as soon as possible to the relevant member of staff.

8.7    Pupils will be required to use their own or family-owned equipment to access remote learning resources, unless the school agrees to provide or loan equipment, e.g. laptops.

8.8    Pupils and parents will be required to maintain the upkeep of any equipment they use to access remote learning resources.

8.9    Teaching staff will oversee academic progression for the duration of the remote learning period and will mark and provide feedback on work in line with section 7 of this policy.

8.10  The arrangements for any ‘live’ classes, e.g. webinars, will be communicated via email, telephone or homes visits no later than one day before the allotted time and kept to a reasonable length of no more than one hour per session.

8.11 The ICT Technician is not responsible for providing technical support for equipment that is not owned by the school.




9.1  This section of the policy will be enacted in conjunction with the school’s   Safeguarding Policy & Child Protection Policy, which has been updated to include safeguarding procedures in relation to remote working, online safety and Mental Health within Safeguarding as outlined in KCSiE 2024.

9.2  The Headteacher and DSL will identify ‘vulnerable’ students (pupils who are deemed to be vulnerable or are at risk of harm) via risk assessment prior to the period of remote learning.

9.3    The DSL will arrange for regular contact to be made with vulnerable pupils, prior to the period of remote learning.

9.4    Phone calls made to vulnerable pupils will be made using school phones where possible.

9.5    The DSL will arrange for regular contact with vulnerable pupils once per week at minimum, with additional contact, including home visits, arranged where required.

9.6    All contact with vulnerable pupils will be recorded on CPOMS and suitably stored in line with the data protection policy.

9.7    The DSL will keep in contact with vulnerable pupils’ social workers or other care professionals during the period of remote working, as required.

9.8    All home visits must:

·         Have at least one suitably trained individual present.

·         Be suitably recorded on CPOMS so that the DSL has access to them.

·         Actively involve the pupil.


9.9    Vulnerable students will be provided with a means of contacting the DSL, their deputy, or any other relevant member of staff – this arrangement will be set up by the DSL prior to the period of remote learning.

9.10  The DSL will meet (in person or remotely) with the relevant members of staff once per week to discuss new and current safeguarding arrangements for vulnerable pupils learning remotely.

9.11  All members of staff will report any safeguarding concerns to the DSL immediately.

9.12  Students and their parents will be encouraged to contact the DSL if they wish to report safeguarding concerns, e.g. regarding harmful or upsetting content or incidents of online bullying. The school will also signpost families to the practical support that is available for reporting these concerns.

9.13  All remote learning sessions to have two members of staff in the session.

9.14  If there are issues surrounding safeguarding at home or in care settings, we will ask for an adult to be available with the student.




10.1.    This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.

10.2.    Any changes to this policy will be communicated to all members of staff and other stakeholders.




11.1    If further school closures are announced, the policy will be reviewed and changed in accordance with government guidance for educational settings.

11.2      All staff will be informed before any changes occur.

11.3      All Parents/ Carers will be informed before any changes occur.





By introducing Remote Learning to our practices, we aim to encourage an inclusive approach to education which achieves better outcomes for our students at Roselyn House School.

S. Damerall and J. Birkenhead


Reviewed: June 2024

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