4 January 2021


Dear Parent/ Carer,


I hope you and your families are well and had an enjoyable Christmas break. We would all like to wish you the very best for the New Year.


Today we are conducting doorstep testing and tomorrow we look forward to welcoming back students in school.


The timetable and January exams for those entered will continue as normal but I would like to make you aware of changes.


In line with new Government Guidance, face coverings should now be worn in classrooms as well as in all other indoor communal areas and transport, unless exempt. This measure is short term and will be reviewed after 26th January by the Government. Please can you encourage your child to wear a face covering and bring a face covering to school each day.


Following on from today’s testing, we would ask students to complete a home test on Thursdays and Mondays before attending school and report the result to their member of staff on transport. The latest guidance advises that even if you have tested positive for Covid- 19 within the last 90 days, you are strongly encouraged to continue with lateral flow tests as soon as you have completed your isolation period- this is a change to the previous guidance.


The isolation period for those who record a positive Covid-19 test result has been reduced to 7 days. Individuals now need to take LFT on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period. If both of these test results are negative and you do not have a high temperature, you may end your self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to education from day 8. If these tests remain positive or you are unable to take an LFT, then you must complete the 10 days isolation period.


Adults who are fully vaccinated, or young people up to 18 years and 6 months, identified as close contact of someone with Covid-19 should take an LFT every day for 7 days. Students should report their test results to their transport staff. If daily LFT is not taken, then in some circumstances, for the safety of all, it may be better for the young person to work remotely.


Anyone developing symptoms or testing positive on an LFT, should stay at home and arrange to have a PCR as soon as possible.


Vaccination reduces the likelihood of infection, helps break the chains of transmission and is effective, so we encourage all those eligible to consider taking up the offer.


We will continue to do all we can to continue face to face learning. However, we are currently in a situation where we have positive cases and sadly, cases are on the increase.


Reduced staffing levels may cause changes to Timetable. There may be occasions where we require students to work remotely. If this happens this will be communicated via Group Leads and arrangements will be made accordingly.


This isn’t an ideal start to a New Year and Term but I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and can assure you we continue to strive for the best for our students.


Warmest Wishes


Miss D

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