20 October 2021
Good morning
Please can I take the opportunity to thank students who have taken part in the Covid-19 Vaccination programmes and also the Nasal Flu Vaccination programme over the last couple of weeks. Students have been a credit to theirselves and shown maturity whilst these have taken place; showing respect to those who have taken part and equally to those who haven’t. It all goes further towards limiting disruption in the school.
May I also remind you of the importance of home testing and in particular the letter that was sent on 11th October from the DfE. We have discovered that if regular twice weekly LFTs take place then this minimises the possibility of your child having to take a PCR test when they have closely mixed with someone who tested positive for Covid, thus keeping them in school.
We are concerned that cases continue to rise in the area and want to keep all our students, staff and families as safe as possible. The Government has asked that home testing continue over Half Term and if any positive cases can be emailed to school, this would be appreciated. Staff will also continue to do them.
Bearing this in mind and the likelihood of people mixing over Half Term, we will operate a staggered start, to the next half- term as we have done previously. This is so we can ensure that students are tested before they come back into school. Therefore, Monday 1st November all students will be on remote learning and testing staff will conduct ‘doorstep testing’.
On Thursday 4th November, we would ask students to do a home test and report results to their staff on transport. If the student does not do a home test, then they will be asked to do a LFT on arrival at school. Moving forwards we will continue to make available home tests in school if students are unable to complete them at home. Some exemptions do apply.
The importance of testing is to keep everyone safe. If we know someone has Covid, we can act quickly to minimise the risk to each other.
Thankyou for your support as always in these matters.
Miss D