Local Offer



Guidance for Completion


This template is designed to help you to pull together information so that parents of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) know what support they can expect if their child attends your school/setting.


The SEND Reforms will place a statutory requirement on schools from September 2014 to make information available to parents about how the school supports children and young people with SEN.   This information will form the main basis for the school’s Local Offer, which has to be published on the school’s website.  Your website must include the name and contact details of your SENCO and a link to the Local Authority’s Local Offer when it becomes available.


The questions in the template are intended as prompts and reflect key issues that parents have told us they would like to know about when deciding which school could best meet their child’s needs.  You may also wish to consult with your own pupils’ parents about what to include in your Local Offer.


In developing your school Local Offer you should be mindful that there is a requirement for a feedback facility to be available as part of the Local Offer and for responses to be given to feedback received.


Please provide a copy of your completed template along with the following completed information by email to IDSS.SENDReforms@lancashire.gov.uk


When saving your local offer please use the following format:






Name and Address


Roselyn House School

Moss Lane


PR25 4SE







Does the school specialise in meeting the needs of children with a particular type of SEN?



If yes, please give details:




What age range of pupils does the school cater for?


Name and contact details of your school’s SENCO

Sharon Damerall








We want to ensure that we keep your information up-to-date.  To help us to do this, please provide the name and contact details of the person/role responsible for maintaining details of the Local Offer for your school/academy.


Name of Person/Job Title


Rachel Smith

School Liaison Officer

Contact telephone number






Promoting Good Practice and Successes


The Local Offer will give your school the opportunity to showcase any good practice you have around supporting children with Special Educational Needs to achieve their full potential.  If you have any examples of good practice or success stories, we would encourage you to include these on your Local Offer web pages. For reasons of confidentiality, please do not include a child’s full name in any case studies you promote.


I confirm that our Local Offer has now been published on the school/academy website.


Please give the URL for the direct link to your school’s Local Offer




Sharon Damerall




Please return the completed form by email to: IDSS.SENDReforms@lancashire.gov.uk



Accessibility and Inclusion


  • How accessible is the school environment?

     Is the building fully wheelchair accessible? Do you have accessible parking spaces? Have there been improvements in the auditory and visual environment? Are there accessible changing/toilet facilities? How do you improve access to the setting?

  • How accessible is your information - including displays, policies and procedures etc.

Do you have information available in different font sizes, audio information, Braille, other languages etc. How does the setting communicate with parents and families whose first language is not English? How is information made accessible to parents and families with additional needs?

  • How accessible is the school?

How do you make use of resources such as symbols, pictures and sign graphics to support children's access to resources? Do you have furniture such as height adjustable tables or alternative ways of presenting activities so that children can access them?

  • Do you have specialised equipment (eg; ancillary aids or assistive technology?)

What the school provides

At Roselyn House School we believe in the school fitting around the needs of the child, parent/ carer and other outside agencies; adapting systems and structures in order to meet individual needs and fully involving the disabled or disaffected person. We aim to achieve this by looking at:

  • School curriculum, teaching and learning, leadership and management
  • Attitudes and values
  • Language, images and role models
  • Buildings
  • Organisation.


Access involves each child being able to learn from a full range of curricular and other experiences provided by the school, and the minimising of any barriers to these experiences.

Inclusion involves every child being able to participate fully in all aspects of school life and having equal opportunity to do so.


All students at Roselyn House School have access to the whole school curriculum including all National Curriculum subjects. We include all students in all aspects of school life. This is done through:


  • Setting suitable learning challenges
  • Responding to students’ diverse learning needs
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment such as physical, sensory, intellectual or emotional problems for individuals and groups of students.


At Roselyn House School we identify, assess, record and regularly review students’ special educational needs and progress through the use of:


  • statement of educational needs/ EHC Plan
  • monitoring performance and ongoing observations by the class teacher/TA
  • screening on entry with numeracy, literacy, preferred learning styles, behaviour assessment (baseline assessment) which goes on to inform the students IEBP.
  • receptive Language Screening if required
  • medical information/reports from GP/Community Paediatrician/ Educational Psychology reports
  • information gained from parents/carers
  • reports from previous educational provision/s
  • reports from outside agencies such as the Learning Support Team and Speech and Language Therapy


At Roselyn House School, this may be witnessed through the following beliefs and strategies adopted to achieve this:


  • All children will be given equal opportunities within all aspects of school life.
  • Staff will provide positive images for all children to relate to in order to avoid stereotyping.
  • All staff will be made aware of medical issues concerning a child and treat these sympathetically and confidentially.
  • Staff will consider the seating arrangements and access to resources and physical aids in their classroom in order to suit a child’s needs and capabilities.
  • The school will be flexible and consider the most effective break time and lunchtime arrangements for students with physical disabilities.
  • Attention will be paid to when and how children move around the school, in particular during FIRE and EVACUATION procedures.
  • Physical Education activities may also need to be differentiated to support children with physical disabilities.
  • Staffing, resources and transport with disabled access will be provided to support such students/ staff.
  • Any relevant information or necessary arrangements will be detailed on the standard risk assessment form.
  • Health and safety issues will be a priority, including the maintenance of equipment and materials, care-taking and cleaning, access to and suitability of premises.


This is to ensure disabled students have access to a full, broad and balanced curriculum. Curriculum areas are considered at a whole school level.


Roselyn House has the following accessibility and inclusion procedures in place:

  • Recreational periods are not indicated by a school bell but by staff referring to the start and end of supervised break times and school day. There is a recreational room providing a range of activities including pool, a gym, an ICT suite, and a ‘therapeutic’/ multi sensory room. All of which are accessible from all areas of the school. In addition there is an outside recreation area.
  • All subject specific classrooms and general classrooms are located on the ground floor at Roselyn House School. At present there are two disabled access points into the building. Staff will supervise and guide all students during movement around school.
  • Breakfast club (held during morning break time) and any visiting performances take place in the recreation room to the rear of the school which is accessible by all.
  • Lighting is maintained at school to enable those with visual impairments to see hazards.
  • The school has been decorated looking at the use of contrasting colours to facilitate the movements of visually impaired students and those with learning difficulties around the school. Classroom decor has taken into consideration colour schemes which are calming for students with challenging behaviour.
  • Teaching areas are arranged for optimum acoustics and mobility and classroom space is organised to be suitable for those students on the autistic spectrum.     
  • Short pile/ cord carpets are fitted to all areas of the school except the staff kitchen (tiling) with suitable mats and the catering kitchen (lino).
  • Signs which are installed in school are colour contrasted and use agreed symbols for those who cannot access print. Fire devices are fitted with both visual and auditory warning signals.
  • There is white edging on all outside steps.
  • There is a grassed recreation area.
  • There is a ramped access to the rear of the property, a levelled access to the side and a portable ramp for the main front entrance.
  • Disabled parents/ carers get full access to all school events and have access to the same meetings rooms as all.
  • Disabled students/ staff/ parents/ carers/ visitors have access to all information, e.g. handouts, timetables, worksheets, notices and information about school events in their preferred format, e.g. Braille, audiotape, video tape, large print, through sign language, symbol systems, through ICT or providing information orally when required.
  • Access to information is improved for particular students by specific approaches, for example, simplified language, picture/ symbol system, visual representations, careful prior explanation, use of closed rather than open ended tasks and use of ICT.
  • Information has been introduced electronically so it can be made available in different typeface/ font sizes and on disc.
  • All information is available on the school website with audio available.






Teaching and Learning


  • What arrangements do you have to identify and assess children with SEN?
  • What additional support can be provided in the classroom?
  • What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning? (This may include support from external agencies and equipment/facilities)
  • What SEN and disability and awareness training is available to all staff?
  • What staff specialisms/expertise in SEN and disability do you have?
  • What ongoing support and development is in place for staff supporting children and young people with SEN?
  • What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support to the pupil during exams?
  • How do you share educational progress and outcomes with parents?
  • What external teaching and learning do you offer?
  • What arrangements are in place to ensure that support is maintained in "off site provision"?
  • What work experience opportunities do you offer?
  • How well does your SEN provision map illustrate the range and level of support for individual pupils or groups with similar needs and the resources allocated to meet those needs?

What the school provides


Roselyn House School School provides a nurturing and calm environment for girls and boys, 10-19 with a statement/ Education, Health and Care plan for EBSD, ASD, Specific Learning Difficulties and associated disorders. These can include, ADD & ADHD, Attachment Disorder, Aspergers/Autisitic Spectrum Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, ODD, OCD, Sensory Impairment and Speech,Language and Communication Difficulties.


We are committed to inclusion and plan to develop cultures, policies and practices that include all our learners. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging and to offer new and positive opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties.


We meet the individual needs of our students through identifying, assessing and monitoring any barriers to learning they may have, which may relate to sensory or physical impairment, learning difficulties or emotional or social development, and environmental factors.


We recognise that students learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement, including ability, emotional state, age and maturity. This can be overcome by offering individually designed programmes of study which aim to integrate a young person into positive/ appropriate learning experiences.


We work together with Parents/Carers, Teachers/Learning Support Mentors, associated agencies and the Students, working together to provide the most positive outcomes for our students.


All Teachers are responsible for identifying students’ individual needs and in collaboration with the SENCO and SEN Learning Mentors, we ensure that those students who require differing or additional support are assessed and identified as soon as possible.


Early identification of students’ needs is a priority at Roselyn House School and ongoing throughout their time at the school. We use a variety of appropriate assessment and screening tools in the following areas:


  • Teacher observation/assessment
  • Performance of National Curriculum Levels
  • Progress in Literacy and Numeracy
  • Learning styles
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Behaviour Profiles
  • Speech, Language and Communication assessment


Following a six week Initial Assessment period, Learning Support Plans will be designed and an individual learning plan agreed with student, parent/carer and local authority. This encourages raising of achievement, focusing on learning styles, specific interventions and therapeutic/social and emotional aspects of learning.


Provision at Roselyn House School can be provided through:


  • Full time education in classes with help and support by the Class Teacher/Learning Support Mentor through a differentiated curriculum
  • Periods of withdrawal for specific interventions in:
  1. Anxiety/stress management
  2. Speech, Language and Communication therapy
  3. Literacy/numeracy development
  4. Social skills/ interaction
  5. Development of self esteem/regulation


  • SEAL Curriculum supported by Therapeutic Activities
  • 1:1 Timetables in School and off site
  • 2:1 Timetables in School and off site
  • Part Time external programmes of study
  • College Placements
  • Work Experience Programmes


Students are encouraged to become more independent at Roselyn House School and by learning to understand their own needs; develop strategies to help prepare them for adult life. This is achieved by asking students, ‘What do they think?’, problem solve, plan their own life skills, choose option subjects for accreditation, experience a range of Life Skills and be offered the opportunity to share with each other their thoughts and feelings.


Each student will concentrate on individual targets through an IEBP to move their learning and personal development forward.


Roselyn House School has a rigorous Continued Professional Development Policy, which allows staff to undertake, longer, mid or short term trainings in areas of SEN and Disability. INSET Training also focuses on specific areas. These have included Speech, Language and Communication awareness within RHS, Hearing Impairment, Introduction to BSL/Visual Timetables, Dyslexia, ADHD, Mental Illness, Attachment Disorder, Child Abuse, Child Exploitation, Substance Misuse, and Counselling.


All staff are qualified, committed, enthusiastic and willing to develop further knowledge in all aspects to prepare for the specific needs of our cohort of students. We recognise that each young person is different and we keep up to date with new ideas, regularly share practise and expertise and train to keep moving forward.


We have specialist training in Speech, Language and Communication, Specific Learning Difficulties, Medical Needs, Medication Administration, Mental Health Awareness, Grief Counselling, Sensory Impairment, EBSD, Visual Communication, Self Harm, Counselling, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Behaviour Management, Attachment Disorder, Suicide, TEAM TEACH, BSL, Makaton, Child Protection and First Aid.


We work alongside a variety of agencies including Social Care, Connections, CAMHS, Hearing Impaired CAMHS, Autistic Society, NHS, Lancashire Deaf Society, Bernardos, Lancashire Speech and Language Therapy Services, Transition Team, Education Psychology and Adult Services.


We value staff at Roselyn House School and provide ongoing appraisal opportunities to discuss ideas with SMT and offer support from outside agencies. There is time made available for staff’s well being and opportunities to discuss their thoughts and feelings through regular meetings.


Roselyn House School provides a flexible/creative approach to our individualised curriculum which are designed to meet the needs of students. All students are encouraged to meet their potential and are offered a variety of differentiated subjects/ curriculum. We believe in accreditation and reward for achievements from certificate to GCSE and A Level.


Candidates who may require access arrangements are usually identified during the initial assessment process or prior to joining the school by a doctor or Educational Psychologist informing school of the student’s individual special need/s.


The Exams Officer informs the subject teachers of candidates with special educational needs who are embarking on a course leading to an exam, and the date of that exam. The Exams Officer can then inform individual staff of any special arrangements that individual candidates can be granted during the course and in the exam.


Teachers identifying candidates who may require access arrangements after the start of the course inform the Exams Officer at the earliest opportunity.

The Exams Officer makes special arrangements for candidates to take exams which may include amplification equipment, bilingual dictionary, Braille, coloured overlays, low vision aid/ magnifier, modified language papers, a reader, a scribe/ voice activated software (assistive technology), prompter, a practical assistant, students be allowed to real aloud, sign language interpreter, transcript and use of a word processor.

All students with a statement for SEN are permitted up to 25% additional time for each examination although school must apply for this through the awarding body’s access arrangements.

Rooming for access arrangement candidates, invigilation and support will be organised by the Exams Officer.


Educational progress is shared through daily Teacher rewards, achievement certificates, End of Term reports, review documentation, award ceremonies and assemblies.


We also offer student led College release programmes including; Catering, Childcare, Construction, Equine Studies, Hairdressing, Small Animal Care, Sports Turf, Countryside and Vehicle Maintenance which can last a Term, a Year or Two Years.


Vocational Work Experience programmes are available to suit specific skills, talents and areas of interest and can take place for 1 day per week throughout Yr10, 11, 12 and 13 or in a two week block.


All of these off site activities are fully risk assessed and supported by staff from school. External Tutors are made aware of the needs of the students and are fully understanding of requirements before a student undergoes a course.


Within our Post 16 provision, at 17 there is the option to learn to drive, following Medical/Disability assessment and suitability with a qualified, specialist instructor.


As a small independent provision, we are able to facilitate specific resources for each individual student and work on a need led basis. Each student is funded in accordance with their Band on the Matrix of Need. The funding is allocated to the needs of the student.









Reviewing and Evaluating Outcomes


  • What arrangements are in place for review meetings for children with Statements or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans?
  • What arrangements are in place for children with other SEN support needs?
  • How do you assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision you make for children and young people with SEN and Disability?

What the school provides

At Roselyn House School, review meetings can take place at any time requested if need has changed. However, formal Annual Reviews of the statement or EHC plans take place with written advice being provided by all involved agencies and targets set against this for the following year. This is done in collaboration with Parents/Carers, the student, the LA and any involved agencies. A summary is then provided.


Continuous tracking takes place which is measured against students’ IEBP targets, National Curriculum or P Levels, Learning Styles, Behaviour, Emotional Literacy, Literacy Levels and Numeracy Levels.


Individual support is identified to support specific need and recognised by ongoing assessment and progress tracking. This is reflected within the Banding of the individual or objectives set within the statement or EHC Plan.


Teachers evaluate lessons and are subject to ongoing professional evaluation by peers and SMT. As part of the teaching appraisal system targets are set.


For every subject, subject staff in September (or when they are admitted to the school) identify what level/grade students are working at. Using professional judgment teachers then set a target level/grade and an aspirational level/grade that students will work towards by the end of the year.

Targets are then shared with the students, this can be done through either a sheet in the front of their books/ folders which states their current level (and what they can do) and their target and aspirational level (what they will be able to do) or a way that staff feel appropriate for their subject. Students should be able to identify what level they are working at and their target level and what they need to do to progress.

If students are admitted midyear then the subject teachers conducts the assessment during the initial 6 week assessment period. By the initial assessment review the student will have been set targets and aspirational levels as well as written targets and an IEBP (for numeracy and literacy).

Included in the end of term reports teachers set students targets, these need to be Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART). Teachers should aim to share these with the students for example putting them in their exercise books so students know what they need to achieve that term. If students do not achieve the target they need to be changed for the next term so the student is more likely to achieve them.

This also links to the targets on students IEBPs and they should follow the same procedure to allow maximum progression.

It is vital that our students develop a desire to improve and develop their learning skills in order for good assessment to take place. They are encouraged to reflect on their own Learning goals and assess their own achievements, no matter how small.


By having clear, achievable goals students recognise their skill areas and build up self esteem and worth. They need to understand the value of learning and how it will improve their future aspirations and social development.


Roselyn House School reflects all achievement and around the school there are visual representations of this.




Keeping Children Safe


  • How and when will a risk assessment be done?  Who will carry out the risk assessment?
  • What handover arrangements are made at the start and end of the school day?  Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop offs?
  • What support is offered during breaks and lunchtimes?
  • How do you ensure children stay safe outside the classroom? (e.g. during PE lessons and school trips)
  • What are the school arrangements for undertaking risk assessments? 
  • Where can parents find details of policies on anti-bullying?

What the school provides

At Roselyn House School we undertake the majority of our school transport which has proved to be very positive.   This means that staff collect students from home and liaise with parents if any issues have arisen, so we are fully able to deal with any anxieties that the students may have on any particular day.  At the end of the school day we are also able to feedback to parents.  This has established excellent home/school links and improved relationships with parents and students alike.  We have found that by us providing transport, this has helped to engage some students who have previously had poor attendance.


Within the school grounds we have a designated area with a turning circle for vehicles where students are dropped off and collected to return home.   Staff are on duty at the start and end of the school day to oversee their arrival and departure from school ensuring their safety at all times.  


At breaks and lunchtime staff interact with students who have access to a range of activities, including computers, a pool table, football nets and access to the school grounds.    At morning break a healthy breakfast is provided to all students.


Staff also spend lunchtime interacting with students by participating with various activities and eating lunch with them.   We promote a healthy lifestyle and within this includes a healthy lunchtime meal.


Student safety is ensured when they are on site as detailed risk assessments are produced and all our staff undertake regular training as the health and safety of students and staff is paramount to us.   All activities are risk assessed prior to a new activity being undertaken and reviewed regularly.    For activities such as outdoor education which take place weekly, a comprehensive risk assessment is produced for each activity and this is reviewed by two senior staff members.   Following the activity, an evaluation is completed, which is monitored by senior management.   All staff receive safeguarding training and safeguarding is always incorporated into risk assessment. 


We also undertake a risk assessment on all students as part of their initial assessment period and from this we then create a Behaviour Management and Positive Handling Plan.   When students go off site, all this is considered in terms of locations and the nature of any activity.


We have detailed transport risk assessments that are in place to ensure safety on transport in addition to the activity.


Roselyn House School have a zero tolerance policy in relation to bullying.   Our Bullying Policy can be found in our school prospectus which is given to parents prior to a students admission and can also be found on our school website.    Our School Liaison Officer, is also available for parents to speak to with any questions in this regard.





Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)


  • How do you manage safe keeping and administration of medication
  • How do you work with the family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the plan?
  • What would the school do in the case of a medical emergency
  • How do you ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs?
  • Which health or therapy services can children access on school premises?

What the school provides

We have strict procedures with regards to the administration of medication in school.    Prior to medication being sent into school a consent form needs to be completed by the parent/carer.  We will only accept medication in original packaging, clearly labelled with the students name and directions for the medication, with full manufacturers guidance/instruction leaflet inside.    Parents need to hand medication and consent forms to our staff member on transport and/or passenger assistant if LEA transport and this will then be locked in the boot of the vehicle until arrival at school.    One member of staff oversees the management of medication and all medication should be handed directly to her (and in her absence the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher).  Upon receipt of the medication in school the medication is logged in a book which clearly states what medication and what quantity has been received, on what date and by whom.   Details also need to be entered as to what quantities are to be administered and when.   The medication is stored securely in a safe, keys to which are only held by senior management.  


When it is the correct time to administer medication, the medication is removed from the safe and logged in the book the time it was given, how much medication remains in the safe and the time it was administered.  The student and senior management then sign the book to say it has been taken. 


Regular contact is maintained with parents throughout a student’s time at Roselyn House School.   When it is identified that a care plan needs to be put in place relevant professionals involved with the student will be contacted and a meeting arranged as a priority.   At that meeting a detailed care plan is drawn up with the input and advice of all professionals working together.   Staff at Roselyn House School have daily briefings and are made aware of such plans and all staff can then work together with the family to ensure the child’s health and wellbeing.


In the event of a medical emergency, our staff all receive regular Emergency First Aid training.   Staff are trained to give effective emergency treatment before professional help arrives.  


All staff receive regular professional development training to ensure that they are fully equipped to deal with students’ particular needs.   If an area is identified that requires further training, this is arranged for staff as a priority. 


Within school our students have access to anger management therapy both individually and in a group setting.  We have a qualified Counsellor who is also available in school.   We are also able to provide Speech and Language Therapy, Art Therapy and Play Therapy.   


Students are assigned a Learning Mentor who sees his/her student on a regular basis to discuss all aspects of the young person’s life. This is a supportive adult for the student in school and helps him/her to perform well. In addition to this students are encouraged to peer mentor younger students.


We operate a therapeutic curriculum alongside our academic curriculum which helps students to self regulate, manage emotions, develop coping strategies and understand each others’ needs. We encourage development of emotional literacy so that students can talk and express their thoughts and feelings positively.


We have close links with our local School Nurses who attend school regularly to perform health checks and immunisations.  They also come into school to give students health updates in a group setting.


We also have links with various organisations for young people with hearing impairments and have regular visits from members of the community with hearing impairments.


We have links with CAMHS and if necessary, referrals are made to CAMHS by school and support is provided to the student and their family with any services that CAMHS are able to offer.


We also work with Young Ad-Action and Early Break to support students who may have substance and/or alcohol issues.











Communication with Parents


  • How do you ensure that parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child/young person?
  • How do parents communicate with key staff (eg do they have to make an appointment to meet with staff or do you have an Open Door policy?
  • How do you keep parents updated with their child/young person’s progress?
  • Do you offer Open Days?
  • How can parents give feedback to the school? 

What the school provides

Communication is opened with Parents/Carers when a visit is initiated prior to admission. This usually takes place with the Headteacher and/or the Deputy Head Teacher. Contact details are passed on so further questions can be addresses. There is a contact form on the school website and each member of staff has their own school e-mail address. There is a list of staff and their roles available on the website and the main office can be contacted by e-mail or phone (with an answer service available).


Transport telephone numbers and contact details are provided on admission and relevant agency details are given out when appropriate and with permissions.


Roselyn House School has an Open Door Policy and Parents/Carers are encouraged to telephone relevant staff. If they are on timetable they will endeavour to ring back later in the day. It may be necessary to make an appointment to see the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. There are staff available throughout the day to talk to.


All staff will communicate with Parents/Carers on progress via certificates, letter or phone call. We also use school/home diaries to communicate when appropriate. Parents receive Termly reports on their child’s and Annual Review Documentation. There is a Termly newsletter and updates to the website.


We offer Non- Prejudicial Visits initially for Parents/Carers to meet us and look around. During this visit, they will get to meet the SMT, see the school, meet Teaching/Support staff and other students. In addition to this, we offer Open Days, Charity Days, Focus Events and Sporting Activities, where Parents/carers are invited to school with other agency representatives.


Parents are encouraged to offer ideas/suggestions/opinions through open, honest and polite discussion or in writing. Annually they are provided with questionnaires to provide feedback and also following reports and Reviews. The school has a complaints procedure in line with guidance and is available by request, in the school Prospectus or on the website.







Working Together

  • What opportunities do you offer for children to have their say? e.g. school council
  • What opportunities are there for parents to have their say about their child’s education?
  • What opportunities are there for parents to get involved in the life of the school or become school governors?
  • How does the Governing Body involve other agencies in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and supporting their families? (e.g. health, social care, voluntary groups)
  • How do home/school contracts/agreements support children with SEN and their families?

What the school provides

Students at Roselyn House School, have always been involved in shaping the provision, in terms of resources, subjects offered, therapeutic input and individual intervention. The school has a student council where representatives from each year group are nominated to put forward ideas on whole school issues. The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher are able to meet with the students and discussions take place during PSHE lessons. The school is in a unique position where the Directors have their ear to the ground and staff/students alike can come directly to them and receive an answer instantly.


It has been the belief of our students that they want to be treated the 'same' as any other student in a 'mainstream' setting. It is recognised therefore that our students should have 'Options' to choose from in Year 10 onwards. These can be GCSE, vocational courses and Duke of Edinburgh. Any new student may be able to suggest a course which is not currently offered by school. This has been the case in the past and a subject has been developed in order to fulfill a particular need for an individual.


Teacher's planning is influenced by students and differentiated accordingly. Teachers will regularly ask for feedback to their lessons in order to discover preferred learning styles and delivery of activities. There are opportunities for students to suggest educational visits which relate to current topics being taught.


Lessons have been designed which allow students to shape their own learning and in particular a recent 'Apprentice Project' (English) which looked at students putting together an 'ideal school' and producing a letter to the Headteacher.


Students are able to participate in a variety of therapeutic activities. There are a range of areas offered which develop the young persons' Social and Emotional development and he or she can select topics/activities/skills they may want to do. This can also be incorporated into the skill/physical section of the Duke of Edinburgh award (which again is optional).


Students have been involved in implementing rules within the school and systems for rewards and sanctions. They have been influential in the type of rewards they have earned and suggested shorter term rewards which has been implemented for the morning before break and after lunch. Tutor sessions have been implemented where students can discuss whole school and personal issues. They use this time and the Student Council in order to suggest additional break time activities.


Students have been influential in bringing various anger management strategies together and suggest ways that they have felt more comfortable with. They have influenced the use of time out and designated areas outside so that they may have time to cool off. They are forthcoming when suggesting things they do or do not like.


Lunch menus and breakfast club have been designed by our students and recommendations for menus suggested. Students have also provided and managed a Year 11 Common Room and some have been instructive in deciding the design of certain classrooms.


The students were also involved in the design of a new uniform, including a school logo for the school jumpers and colours of red, black & gold. They have been involved in assemblies and organising charity events and focus weeks.


Students are encouraged to respect their school and take ownership of its appearance. Many students are involved in DIY and are allowed decision making and planning towards the end product.

Communication is the key to success for understanding our students at Roselyn House School and our Family Liasion Officer will encourage Parents/Carers to contact school with regarding any matter and most importantly to pass on information which may be relevant to the well-being/development/progress of their child.

All staff are also encouraged to make links with families and reflect both positive and negative aspects of the school day. We pride on our communication and links we have developed with our familes and value its importance. Often meetings take place at the school for outside agencies as we have a reputation for a calming environment and this is where the student feels morst confident and suported to meet other professionals. We welcome suggestions/advice from all involved with our students as we want the best for each one.

We work closely with other agencies and often are closely involved in the referral process or assessment procedures. We listen carefully to the needs of our Parents/Carers and provide support where necessary.

We provide information via our website and through Termly newsletter along with formal recording and reporting. Parents/Carers are involved in the decision making processes and agreements are reached which are beneficial to students ( Home/School agreements).

We encourage families to work with ourselves and offer a listening ear; to help us understand our young people better.





What Help and Support is available for the Family?


  • Do you offer help with completing forms and paperwork?  If yes, who normally provides this help and how would parents access this?
  • What information, advice and guidance can parents and young people access through the school?   Who normally provides this help and how would they access this?
  • How does the school help parents with transport to get their son/daughter to and from school?

What the school provides

We have a Family Liaison Officer who works with families and outside agencies who is able to offer support and advice on filling out forms and paperwork. She will talk Parents/ Carers through it either by telephone or visit their homes. Parents just need to ring school and reception will help with this. A variety of formats are available for any forms by request.


Students are able to access information with regard to future careers options/ colleges and can do this at break times, through our Vocational/Careers Tutor, or our Connexions Advisor.


We have information with regard to disability living allowance and can speak to the Family Liaison Officer.


We have various staff who have expertise in specific areas of SEN and are happy to discuss with students, Parents/Carers and suggest strategies and ideas that may be useful at home. Advice is available for: ADD & ADHD, Attachment Disorder, Aspergers/Autisitic Spectrum Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, ODD, OCD, Sensory Impairment and Speech,Language and Communication Difficulties.


We work closely with the School Nurses and are able to provide the opportunity for immunisation and Health reviews to take place at school.


We can provide information with regard to the referral process to CAMHS, Educational Psychology  and help that may be sought for a variety of difficulties a young person may be experiencing.


Roselyn House School provides transport for most of its students. Students are transported by school staff. This is very beneficial to the student as an already established relationship can help the student to attend school and feel more relaxed travelling. We are able to provide passenger assistants to support students and a range of activities are available in the vehicle to make the time go faster. We can look at flexible start times for students if this is appropriate to their need or access arrangements. This is funded by the local authority.







Transition to School and School Leavers


  • What support does the school offer for pupils coming to the school? 
  • What support does the school offer around transition to secondary school (as appropriate)
  • What support is offered for young people leaving the school? (e.g. careers guidance, visits to colleges, apprenticeships, supported employment etc)
  • What advice/support do you offer young people and their parents about preparing for adulthood?  (as appropriate)
  • What advice/support do you offer young people and their parents about higher education, employment, independent living and participation?  (as appropriate)

What the school provides


Students can be admitted to Roselyn House School from any year group at any time of the school year. We appreciate how daunting this can be as often students travel from other areas in the North West to Leyland. They may not know anyone and/or may have been out of education for a period of time. Their particular need may cause anxiety issues or they may struggle with travelling. There are many individual issues which affect a student and their ability to receive a successful education.


This is why we respond with a creative approach; where individualised transition is possible. This may include link days before a student moves provision. The student will spend time getting to know school, the routines and staff and students before full transition occurs.


It may be more appropriate for a student to start on shorter/flexible days, with a timetable that can be built up gradually as the student becomes less anxious. It may involve the student being supported by a trusted adult (family member/ keyworker/ carer) or starting on our RHISE Programme and being educated off site in more familiar surroundings. This is dependent on the individual, their needs and emotional well-being at the time of admission.


Once admitted to Roselyn House School, all students are part of a 6 week assessment period and during this time will undergo an induction, may be placed in a nurture group before going into a whole class group, receive part or all 1:1 support, receive intervention withdrawal and will be assigned a Learning Mentor from the staff group who will assist the student to develop confidence and understand expectations within the school environment.


We provide education from the age of 10 which can allow students at Key Stage 2 to make an earlier and smoother transition into the secondary phase. This is useful for students who are experiencing difficulty with their final primary year and could move early without having to move schools again in Year 7. This allows the student consistency and security thus reducing anxieties. We follow a Key Stage 2 curriculum which helps support the student into Key Stage 3.


Once students are in Year 10 and 11 there is a focus on Post 16 decision making. This includes visits to local colleges, college integration programmes, work experience, careers/apprenticeship/ employment guidance through the PSHE curriculum, individual Mentor Sessions, vocational studies and regular meetings with our Connexions advisor and our Vocational/Careers Tutor.


Following appropriate placements being identified, we look at regular visits and taster sessions; supported by our staff until such a time that we feel confident that a transition can be fully achieved. This can be the case in Year 12 and 13 also.


Roselyn House School also have their own 16-19 specialist provision where the Curriculum focuses on core subjects aimed at preparing students for working life, grounding foundation subject knowledge, broadening general knowledge, developing personal and social skills; aiming to make each student more employable.


This programme of study is designed around accredited courses and improving personal learning and thinking skills. Subjects include, English, Maths, General Studies, Enterprise and Employability, Preparation for Working Life and Functional Computing and Communication skills.

Each bespoke course will allow progression to the next stage and help each individual reach their full potential as a learner and ultimately an employee. Students have options to retake GCSE's, progress to AS/A level, complete City and Guilds, BTEC and NVQ courses and be accredited for therapeutic activities under the Unit Award Scheme.


We focus on developing independence in our students and prepare them for adult life. This is specifically through Life Skills and PSHE however is embedded across the curriculum. We aim to help students develop coping strategies in both their daily life and learning skills. We promote work ethics, the importance of financial management, aspirations to reach goals, mutual respect for others, ability to manage yourself and the benefits of an open mind.


We encourage discussion with Parents/Carers and make valuable, positive links with them in order to help them support their child into adulthood. Where necessary, we provide advice and support available and other agencies that may be useful; working closely with the transitions team and where appropriate helping a young person move from child services to adult services. We have a strong team of staff who have experience of adult learning difficulties and work closely with Parents/carers in Yr 11 and in our Post 16 provision.




Extra Curricular Activities


  • Do you offer school holiday and/or before and after school provision?  If yes, please give details.
  • What lunchtime or after school activities do you offer?  Do parents have to pay for these and if so, how much?
  • How do you make sure clubs, activities and residential trips are inclusive?
  • How do you help children and young people to make friends?

What the school provides


The ethos of Roselyn House School is one of Community and developing understanding of each others’ needs. We provide opportunities for students to get to know each other both within their peer group and across the wider school community. All students and staff are expected to show mutual respect and support for each other. We encourage the sharing of experiences and recognise that each of us are unique in our own right.


It is important for our students to feel part of an education system, the same as any young person in any type of school. Therefore, we offer a range of activities for our students to experience through our therapeutic activities which work within our Social, Emotional, aspects of Learning Programme.


These activities help the student to make positive relationships with others, understand his/herself and help to manage their own emotions, thoughts and behaviours; beginning to understand and respond to emotions and behaviours of others in a positive and proactive manner.


Activities include; Horseriding, D-Jing, Boxing, ICT Maintenance, Hair and Beauty, Nail Art, Music, Photography, Swimming, Cooking, DIY, Gym, Running, Computers, dance, Guitar, Drums, Film Making, Graphic Design, Jewellery Making, Crafts and Gardening.


This inclusive programme at Roselyn House School aims to develop self esteem, organisation skills, social interaction, self regulation, motivation and attention. They are also accredited with the AQA Unit Award Scheme.


Our Therapeutic SEAL Programme is also available for other schools to participate in through our RHISE Service which provides individual interventions to students in mainstream and short stay provision. This may assist in supporting a young person in terms of SEN, curriculum attainment, low attendance, challenging behaviour, developing confidence, re-tracking or just that something different to help them move forward.


We also provide activity based programmes throughout the school holidays for students who may be part of our RHISE Programme. This helps to provide continuity and security for the student during these times.


We provide structured activities at morning and lunch break which help to minimise unstructured and distraction for our students, These are run by the staff and include, Pool, Football, Gaming, Crafts, Chess, Gossip Group.


In addition to this we run Educational Visits and residential trips through subject specific topics, Life skills and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. These are varied and have included visits to the Science Museum, SPACE, Pantomimes, Lancaster University, The Open. Our Lifeskills programme and PE / Outdoor Education curriculum take students out into the local Community, shops, sports halls, swimming baths and countryside. We run overnight stays in accommodation and camping and have been to the Lake District, Chester and Wales.


Roselyn House School is a licensed centre for the Duke of Edinburgh award Scheme and it is run under four areas- Expedition, Voluntary, Physical and Skill. Students learn camp-craft, map reading, navigation and orienteering followed by two expeditions. They get involved in fundraising projects as part of their volunteer work and pick an activity to fully embrace and motivate theirselves physically. The skill section requires students to learn something new. This can be wide ranging from knitting to go-karting, horseriding to learning sign language. In some cases they have used fundraising monies to help pay for the development of their skill.


Al activities and trips are inclusive within school fees and offered to all students at school. Parents/Carers may be asked to contribute a ‘small amount’ towards additional costs such as shopping, gift buying or specific equipment/clothing requirements. This is a voluntary contribution.


Often students choose their own activities and can be grouped with different students from across the school. This encourages friendships to widen and often strengthen as they rely on each other for support through many of the activities offered.


We want our students to experience an enriching, successful and meaningful education through a diverse curriculum which allows each individual to reach his/her potential and maximise their chances of achieving independence and living fulfilling lives as positive contributors to society.





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