Governance Policy
This Policy aims to set out the system, structure and process outline for governance at Roselyn House School.
The Proprietor Body of Roselyn House School is KS Education Limited. The two Directors of whom are Sharon Damerall, Headteacher and Kirsty Willacy, Deputy Head Teacher. They ensure that all Independent School Standards 2014 are met and Ofsted Requirements.
Miss Damerall, Headteacher reports annually in a School Improvement and Evaluation document (SIEF). This includes summaries of Termly reports, consultation from staff, students, Parents/ Carers and SLT Monthly reports for both sites. The System of Improvement and Evaluation is added as an appendix at the end of this Policy.
The School is split across two sites, the KS3 site and the KS4/5 site, which is home to Roselyn House Sixth Form. There are Outreach and Individual Intervention Timetables across both sites, (RHISE- Roselyn House Individual Support Education).
The Headteacher being based at the KS3 site and the Deputy Head at the KS4/5 site.
Mr J Birkenhead is also Deputy Head who operates across both sites. with Mr Dickinson who is the RHS Co-ordinator (KS3 Site). Mrs Higgins is the other RHS Co-ordinator (KS4/5 Site).
Mr Birkenhead oversees, along with the Headteacher, the Curriculum, Timetable Planning and communication with Parents/ Carers across whole school.
Mrs R Smith, the School Business Manager works alongside the Headteacher and all SLT in the day to day running and Policy implementation of the school. She works with external agencies and arranges quality assurance reviews and visits with external professionals. She is responsible for seeing the procedures of this Governance Policy are carried out and monitored.
We are supported externally by:-
Peninsula for Health and Safety and HR
Judicium for GDPR
Markel Liability Insurance
Essere Therapy
SENDOs from various local authorities:-
Susan Hurst
Miranda Chestnutt
Louise Birchall
Blackburn with Darwen:
Sarah Holme
Rebecca Sandford-Jones
Sarah Tonge
Mark Burgess
Samantha Donovan
Chris Locke
NAHT (Lancashire Club Secretary - Karen Stephens).
Despite being spread over two sites, SLT ensure that there is a ‘whole school’ approach and consistency, which is communicated to staff daily through group emails and briefings, Monthly twilight training and other trainings/ meetings.
This Policy takes into account guidance set out in DfE Governance Handbook 2020 and Governance: Structures and Role Descriptors October 2020. It also takes into consideration the specific needs of the structure of Roselyn House School and how we encourage everyone who is part of the School to have a voice in its development. The School has been and continues to be shaped by the specific needs of our students and is flexible in managing those needs as they may change over time. We include everyone in consultation around changes that are to be brought about and also how our future may be shaped. Our Governance Representatives are made up from staff, students, Parents/ carers, LA representative (when possible) and interested others as part of its members.
It is a form of self-governance which gives ownership to our students and their families to be part of what is theirs. There are regular discussions and feedback which provides support and governance across the whole school. This is then managed by the Proprietor Body, KS Education Limited and complies with Ofsted requirements.
These consultations along with improvement planning form the basis of the school’s evaluation planning and actions for moving forwards.
At Roselyn House School we believe that effective Governance should:
We believe that Governance should be
The DfE defines effective governance on six key features:
At Roselyn House School we have strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy through:
The SLT meet with the Headteacher/ Director with an agenda which covers actions from previous meetings, Action Planning, Group reports, Quality of education report, Wellbeing of students and staff, Safeguarding and Health and Safety, Quality Assurance, Headteachers report, Focus reports and AOB.
We expect everyone at Roselyn House School to be accountable to drive up educational standards which is led by the Deputy Head, Mr Birkenhead. Financial Health is monitored by the Directors and School Business Manager. Staff and Student Council are able to request budgets for approved resources; using the correct procedures to justify the expenditure. This is achieved by:
Our Governance is made up of representatives from SLT, School Staff, Students from School Council, Parents/ Carers, Local Authority and interested people who we believe should have the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity who:
Our Governing Procedures are overseen by Mrs Smith who ensures that there are structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities:
Our Governance shows compliance with statutory and contractual requirements, through:
We evaluate and monitor to improve the quality and impact of governance through:
Roselyn House School Governance Structure consists of the following representatives:
Decision Making
The Governance structure plays a strategic role and avoid routine involvement in operational matters. Final decisions are made by the Proprietor Body.
Role of those who are part of the Governance Structure
Each individual is responsible for contributing to discussions and meeting the three core functions; including members of student council.
Parent/ Carer
The role of a Parent / Carers is not as a spokesperson for the views of parents. They are there to provide a ‘parental viewpoint i.e. representative parents rather than representatives of parents.
It is the Headteacher, who is responsible for the operational and day-to-day running of the school. One of the Headteacher’s responsibilities is to provide information to meet the three core objectives of Governance.
The role of Staff representatives is to provide strategic leadership, but also includes providing a ‘staff viewpoint’. It is important for prospective Staff to fully understand the nature of the role. Staff are not a spokesperson for the views of all staff, nor will they be held to account in relation to their staff role by the Proprietor body.
Local Authority
Discussions with various representatives from Local Authority include providing a ‘LA viewpoint’, and they should participate in the same way as other representative. They are not required to be affiliated to a political party, although they should be aware of local issues. Therapists will also be consulted.
Overseeing of Governing Procedures
The School’s Business Manager, is responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the Governing Procedures and has a vital role in setting the highest of expectations for professional standards of governance. It is her responsibility to give representatives clear leadership and direction, keeping them focused on core functions.
She encourages collaboration to create an effective team, building its skills, knowledge and experience. She should ensure that everyone is actively contributing relevant skills and experience, participating constructively and is actively involved in the work of committees across whole school.
The following processes of governance are in place:
Teaching and Learning Assessment, Safeguarding, Pastoral/ Welfare, Safety, Health and Environment, School Improvement
Human resources, Clinical/ Therapy services, Information Technology, Commercial and Finance, Buildings and Property
S. Damerall
Reviewed: June 2024
Appendix 1
System for school improvement and evaluation
At Roselyn House School we are constantly developing our practices and procedures in order to meet the individual needs of the students which change along with adapting to new legislation, guidance and frameworks.
September |
Completion of Learning Goals, All About Me, Vocational Profiles, Curriculum Maps, Annual review schedule completed, Fire Risk Assessment, H&S Review, Boiler Checks, Whole School safeguarding training, termly review of SCR, annual Teacher checks updated, Whole School Literacy Assessment (NGRT & NGST). Relevant training booked. |
October |
H&S Approved Contractors List Review, RHS Gas Safety Check, Liability Insurance, Whole School PREVENT training, Summative assessment for English, Maths and Science, Students entered for November and January series exams. |
November |
Transport audit, H&S DSE questionnaire update for staff, RHS Fire Risk Assessment Review, PO Numbers obtained for Spring Term, Whole School Asthma / Anaphylactic training, Whole School Numeracy Assessment (Hodder), Series BG exams. |
December |
E o T Reports/ Parent’s Evening, Autumn Term areas of development from SIEF, Spring Term invoices, Summative assessment for English, Maths, Science, PSHE, P.E, History and Geography. |
January |
Termly review of SCR, H&S fire procedures review (fire exits/fire extinguisher list/PEEP) School calendar for next academic year, book INSET training for Autumn Term (mandatory), set INSET dates for next academic year, School Census, Live GDPR Audit with Judicium, Series 1A exams, students entered for March exams. |
February |
Planning for Leaver’s Destinations, Whole School PAT testing, H&S Lone Working Checklists/RA updated, obtain PO Numbers Summer Term, fee increase from April, RHS KS3 Cognitive ability test (CAT 4). Summative assessment for English, Maths and Science, students entered for June exams. |
March |
Proposals for post 16, E o T Reports/ Parent’s Evening , Spring Term areas of development from SIEF, H&S Asbestos RA review, Summer Term invoices, Vehicle Insurance renewal, GDPR Policy update, Wellbeing survey, RHS KS3 Cognitive ability test (CAT 4). Summative assessment for English, Maths, Science, PSHE, P.E, History and Geography, series 3G exams. |
April |
Planning for September starters, Safeguarding audit, Transport audit, Wellbeing meeting, termly review of SCR, Whole School Literacy Assessment (NGRT & NGST). |
May |
Policy/ procedure review, personnel file review, appraisals, check mandatory training due, Whole School Literacy Assessment (NGRT & NGST). Summative assessment for English, Maths and Science, Series 6A and 6G exams. |
June |
Staff/ Parent/ Carer/ student consultation, Wellbeing meeting, H&S Fire Alarm service/Extinguisher service due at KS4/5 site, H&S Risk Assessment Review, Update fees for next academic year, obtain PO numbers for Autumn Term, arrange leavers gifts, prepare student files to send to next provision for any leavers, Whole School Numeracy Assessment (Hodder), Series 6A and 6G exams. |
July |
E o T Reports/ Parent’s Evening, SIEF produced, Staff appraisals, September TT, Transport planning, update PLP, IEBP, LSP, new starter information to be provided on One Drive, H&S Fire Procedures Review, Autumn Term invoices, annual update of consent forms sent to parents/carers, update staff badges for next academic year, update staff Induction Pack with updated policies, RHS KS3 Progress Testing (Maths, English & Science). Summative assessment for English, Maths, Science, PSHE, P.E, History and Geography. |