Wellbeing Of Women

We are delighted that as part of our wellbeing programme we have signed up to Wellbeing of Women, the women's health charity.  They help to save and change the lives of women, girls and babies by funding much needed research, education and advocacy around issues such as miscarriage and pregnancy loss, gynaecological cancers and overlooked and underfunded conditions such as endometriosis, incontinence and menopause. 


We have signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge, committing to support our staff going through the menopause. See attached Certificate which we will be very proudly displaying on the website and in school. This will work alongside our Menopause Policy.


For further information please see link below:




In addition to this, we have become a certified Period Positive Workplace!

We are proud to announce that we are joining the global movement to build equity and inclusion in the workplace by providing access to period products at work! As a Period Positive Workplace, we have committed to organisation-wide access to FREE menstrual products.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to attend an educational session about menstrual health through the Period Positive Workplace initiative. The date and time for this session is to be announced. (Please inform Mrs Smith of your interest)

Why become a Period Positive Workplace?

Our commitment to creating a caring and compassionate workplace culture that values and supports every employee is unwavering. We recognise that ending period stigma is an ongoing process, and we are dedicated to taking meaningful steps to achieve this goal.

Research shows that eight out of ten women have started their period unexpectedly in public, and 96% of those have to leave to get menstrual products. This can keep them from their work. Research also shows that workplaces that provide period products report reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, and higher collaboration among employees that menstruate. Providing menstrual products as a basic necessity, just like toilet paper, is essential to strengthen inclusivity and show support for the menstrual health of our employees.

Together, we can create a Period Positive Workplace that promotes productivity and inclusivity.

Miss D


Women represent nearly half of the global labour market and on any given day over 800 million people worldwide are menstruating. However, studies show that 96% of women who start their period unexpectedly in public leave to buy period products4 out of 10 people who menstruate have called in sick due to periods, over 80% of women experience a loss of productivity while at work for multiple days each cycle and on average women lose 9 days of work a year due to menstruation. This is a lot of missed time at work for nearly half the global labor market.

The Period Positive Workplace (PPW) initiative arose to address this. A global coalition has been formed with Days for Girls, PSI Europe, The Policy Project, The Pad Project, Share the Dignity, and the Toilet Board Coalition to advance menstrual equity in the workplace.

Research shows that workplaces that provide period products report reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, and higher collaboration from employees who menstruate, with companies that provide menstrual leave see an increase in attraction, retention, and productivity. Global studies also show companies that invest in menstrual health management see benefits worth more than double the cost because of decreased absenteeism and higher retention.

“Many workplaces have become accustomed to providing toilet paper, hand soap, and in some cases a dryer or paper towels for their employees and patrons,” Emily Bell McCormick, president of The Policy Project said. “Half of the world’s population experiences periods, an involuntary and spontaneous ‘bathroom need’ that requires specific products to manage. Our coalition is excited to help correct a global oversight in product provision, and ensure that period products become regularly available in all workplace bathrooms.”

The Period Positive Workplace initiative plays a crucial role in helping businesses demonstrate their commitment to gender equality.  Businesses who join this initiative take tangible steps towards breaking the stigma surrounding periods and promoting menstrual equity in the workplace. 


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