About Us

Roselyn House School develops a specific individual and personalised education for young people, 10-19 with EHC Plans for Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Specific Learning Difficulties.

Roselyn House School is a unique, independent, forward thinking, student lead SEMH Special Needs Day School. We are owned by KS Education Limited, the Directors of which are the Head and the Deputy of the School. We are located in Leyland just next to Junction 28 of the M6.

We are providers of specialised individual and personalised, education for Young People with a wide range of needs. We have proven success with extremely vulnerable students who may have more complex and psychological difficulties.

We have a whole school approach to creating an inclusive and positive school ethos around behaviour. We place a strong emphasis on the emotional health and wellbeing of all members of our school community. SEMH needs are central to the effectiveness of our school and an Attachment Aware approach to our Behaviour Policy.

We offer a fully accredited, diverse curriculum balanced with social, emotional and therapeutic aspects to learning. Our quality assured and unique KS2-KS5 programmes promote our students’ academic and social development allowing each individual to reach their potential and maximise their chances of achieving independence and living fulfilling lives as positive contributors to society.

Our staff have a wide range of experience and expertise in working with our students and want the best outcomes for all. This is achieved by positive relationships, belief in the individual’s strengths and a willingness to support in all aspects of our students’ development.


Mission Statement:

Moving forwards together to a positive future


Roselyn House School's strengths:

To respond to individual needs through a nurturing and therapeutic environment.

To provide a positive, supportive experience for our students.

To develop learning programmes which are relevant to our young people within a National Curriculum Framework.

To develop independence in our young people.

To foster coping strategies, especially in readiness for post 16.

To support students with an empathetic and experienced staff group.

To provide vocational and community experiences for our young people.

To be forward thinking and creative.

To be a child centred provision.

To make a young person's learning experience fun.

To provide opportunities for young people to realise their talent and to succeed.

To encourage young people to work together and respect other people's skills.

To offer equal opportunities to all.

To offer vocational college accredited courses.

To provide accreditation including: GCSE, Entry Level, Level 1/2, Unit Award Scheme, Youth Achievement and Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, BTEC and NVQs.

Subject areas

Subjects taught at Roselyn House School follow National Curriculum subjects at Key Stage 2, 3,4 and 5. They are differentiated to optimise individual need. Accreditation is available in GCSE, BTEC, Foundation Level, Entry Level, Level 1 & 2 and UAS. Students are encouraged to participate in optional accredited courses at Key Stage 4 and 5, including College Courses, Vocational training, The Duke of Edinburgh Scheme and Work Experience Programmes.


Therapeutic Activities

Students are able to participate in a variety of therapeutic activities which creates a broad and balanced Curriculum. There are a range of areas offered which develop the young person's Social and Emotional development and respond to their individual well-being and nurture. Students are encouraged to choose these to enrich their educational experience and develop their skill set and confidence in theirself.


Individual Learning Support/SEND

Each student has an Individual Learning Support Plan which provides them with intervention withdrawal in areas such as Literacy, Numeracy, Communication, Speech and Language, Anger Management, Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning/Emotional Literacy.

At Roselyn House School we endeavour to provide an enriching, fun and memorable experience for our students where their wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do. Take a look at some of their achievements.

About Our School
Headteacher's Weekly Awards week ending 14th Feb '25
Testimonials from Current & Former Students
NASS NASS is a membership organisation representing special schools in England and Wales providing support, advice, information, events, training, and a strong voice for non-maintained special schools.
BookTrust is the UK's largest children's reading charity and our mission is to get children from low-income and vulnerable family backgrounds reading regularly and by choice.
Pep The Poet School Visit
Bugfest 2024
Ofsted Report November 2023
School Uniform Shop Now Open
Roselyn House Individual Support EDUCATION Roselyn House Individual Support Education Website
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